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RE: Sleepy helper

in Hive Pets3 years ago

I don't have any pets right now, but I have at different times throughout my life and I know that love. Sometimes cats, sometimes dogs and sometimes both.

Unfortunately, I grew allergic to cats and I think it makes me smell like catnip, because wherever I go, they come up and love all over me. LOL.... I've even had folks comment in amazement when their normally stranger-shy cats that don't know me at all, come up and show me the love. It's strange and fun.


Haha, yeah I remember you saying this, but you've added the hilarious smells like catnip comment and it made me laugh!

At times it has been really funny. One time I met a man at his home to talk to him about some work he and his wife wanted done. Within a minute or two, a cat came out of nowhere, jumped up on the counter in front of me and rubbed it's head across the front of my body. The man stood there for a few seconds with his mouth dropped open and then stammered out something like..... "he never does that, he really doesn't like strangers"..... I just smiled and of course he gave me the business, because his cat told him I was trustworthy. 🤣


I've had similar situations when people's pets have done that, cat's mostly, and yep, it almost always secures the business.