Is Romance Worthy of My Time?

in Hive Pets3 months ago


Love for my pets is quiet and sure, their trust is so visible;
No words are needed, only care but I say it still, audible.
I feel at peace; Brenda's able and Merida's dependable,
Their gaze, their loyalty to me though, make others fear and tremble.

But romantic love, oh it brings me doubt, it stirs me anxiously;
I long for serenity, steady heart, a love that comes softly.
Unless a man can ease my soul as my pets done amazingly,
Romance is something I will let go, love that's far too costly.

My animals give me purpose, to rise from bed when I feel low,
When dark thoughts creep and pull me down, their mere presence makes my face glow;
Even when I was depressed, felt so weak, the day's sometimes so slow,
I keep moving, living on account of energy they bestow.

So unless a love comes circumspectly, as calm as Brenda’s eyes,
Where trust is simple, so sure, hearts are light, no games or sweet disguise,
Then romance, for me, will be unimportant, love that’s bound to flee,
Authentic affection I'll trust my pets, their love’s enough for me.

I hold my each of pets so close to heart; unique individual
Their love's a constant, steady flame that fuels, makes me spiritual.
No man can claim a love like theirs, so deep, so unconditional ;
For in their gaze, I find my great serene, always a renewal.