Todos tenemos momentos donde queremos estar solos, tener tiempo para pensar y distraernos con otras cosas. Básicamente escapar de la realidad. Y en estos momentos siempre hay algo que te reconforta y ese algo pueden ser nuestras mascotas. Aunque no queramos compañía, ellos siempre nos recuerdan lo bonito de la vida y el apoyo que recibimos de ellos es insuperable.
We all have moments where we want to be alone, to have time to think and distract ourselves with other things. Basically escape from reality. In these moments there is always something that comforts you and that can be our pets. Even if we don't want company, they always remind us of the beauty of life and the support we get from them is second to none.
Últimamente no sé qué me sucede. Ahora me agobia estar con un grupo, creo que son traumas de la pandemia, y me he dado cuenta de que al ver que Milagros se acerca a mi o me mira con esos ojos perrunos llenos de bondad son de las cosas numeradas que me hacen sonreír.
Lately I don't know what is happening to me. Now I get overwhelmed being with a group, I think it's pandemic traumas, and I've noticed that seeing Milagros come up to me or look at me with those doggy eyes full of kindness are of the numbered things that make me smile.
Hace poco fui a estudiar sola, armé mi rinconcito para tener todo al alcance y estar lo más cómoda posible. Me sentía muy mal anímicamente, solo quería escapar un ratico y cada cierto tiempo Mila se acercaba a mí la acariciaba un rato y luego me dejaba practicar un poco más, sentándose a una distancia prudencial. Lo repitió varias veces y no se si ella lo sabía o no pero esos contactos de ternura me hicieron sentir mejor.
Recently I went to study alone, I set up my little corner to have everything within reach and to be as comfortable as possible. I felt very bad in my soul, I just wanted to escape for a then let me practice a little more, sitting at a prudent distance. She repeated it several times and I don't know if she knew it or not but those tender contacts made me feel better.
Ella siempre está llena de energía y busca jugar, saltar, morder pero ese día estaba sumamente tranquila parecía que no quería molestarme. Después de mi estudio me sentí mejor y creo que se dio cuenta y buscó jugar conmigo.
Gracias Milagros por estar ahí en las buenas y no tan buenas.
She is always full of energy and seeks to play, jump, bite but that day she was extremely calm and didn't seem to want to bother me. After my study I felt better and I think she realized it and wanted to play with me.
Thank you Milagros for being there in the good and not so good times.
Es todo por hoy, espero traer mas fotos de Milagros y anécdotas de esta perra loca y extremadamente inteligente. Siganla en su Instagram y morir de ternura o de la risa @mila.multiverso
That's all for today, I hope to bring more pictures of Milagros and anecdotes of this crazy and extremely intelligent dog. Follow her on her Instagram and die of cuteness or of laughing @mila.multiverse
Gracias por leer hasta el final, leo sus comentarios/ Thanks to read to the end, I will read your comments bellow.
Son fotos tomadas por mi o mi familia a través de los años | These are photos taken by me or my family over the years.
Ediciones hechas en | Editions made in
GifShop - Photoshop - Snapseed - Canvas
I think many of us feel the same way. We stayed indoor for so long without having to meet strangers. Now that it's a bit opening, meeting a large group of strangers feel a bit overwhelming and awkward. It's nice that you have someone to make you smile, milagros is cute.
Thank you for passing by =). I feel that way also in a group of friends, is really strange and I don't like feel that way.
although I am really grateful to have mila and my boyfriend .
That's great to know!
cheers :)