Hello, pet-lover hoomans of the world! 👋
"There's a reason God did not give animals speech--because they show us their love thru their actions that words are unnecessary." As an animal lover, I know you've already came across this quote, one way or another. Am I right? Did you immediately agree with this one the moment you've read it? Well if that's a HELL YEAH, then I'm right with you on that one.
I've never really understood the concept of "happiness found in petting animals" until I became a fur-mum. Generally, I highly think it's the same with almost all aspects of life: you need to experience a scenario in order for you to get a better understanding. I've read a couple of "How to be More Happy" articles and in most of them, the suggestion of "having a pet boosts your happiness so..." was in the contents, and I was like, "okay, that's cool, but nah, am good, don't need a pet in my life". But boy do I need one.

There is a sense of happiness that does not go away--more like joy, yes, that's it-- that I feel knowing that I love this little fur ball of a doggo, and that she loves me back. How do I know? I could feel it, obviously. And I am not kidding when I say that I love Pebbles so much sometimes my heart would hurt, because I know that she also loves me with all her tiny dog heart. I love that she's so clingy, and she always shows her affection. Maybe she's too emotional too--she easily cries. But when I talk to her, she listens (almost all the time, as there are moments when she keeps on barking at me and she wants to play lol). I always tell her I love her, and she would respond with her I-CANNOT-RESIST-PUPPY-EYES. She's so smart, too. She understands and she knows. Then I whispered to myself with a sigh, "if humans were like dogs, what a PERFECT and WONDERFUL world it would be".
I am really glad I decided to adopt Pebbles last year (one of the best decisions I've ever made). She not just changed something in me (about how I see the world now and how I feel about all animals), she also changed the dynamics in our house. For instance, my Mama has now her fourth grandchild haha. My Mama treats and loves Pebbles like her granddaughter (apo in Bisaya). She's very fond of her! And I'm happy because Pebbles makes our Mama happy. ❤️ My niece Kendra also has a new playmate--yay! She's happy when she plays with Pebbles and the laughter in the room is contagious. This dog is transforming our home from good to super great! ♥️ Even though it's a lot of work (for my Mama mostly because she's in the house for most of the week as I'm working) in looking after her and cleaning after her piss & poop, it's all worth the trouble. I guess we can all agree it's all worth it! 💕
Last Saturday, it was Pebbles and I's bonding time at the Vet. Unlike other pets which seem so not-in-the-mood to go to the doctor, Pebbles is such a behaved dog (AND I LOVE HER FOR THAT!). Our first appointment was her grooming. She's finally qualified for a grooming service because she's completed her vaccines (yay!). When I gave her to the dog grooming expert, she was kind of scared that she touched my arm. I was telling her that it's gonna be okay because it's for her own good.
When the groomer started cutting her fur/hair, she was shaking. I was so worried that I chatted my sister and my niece if that's normal. When they said that it is, I was a bit relieved. The groomer said it would take some time and that it's better if I go somewhere and just come back when it's done, I considered it for a bit, but then decided I won't leave Pebbles. So I just waited. And I waited.
After FOUR hours (I WAS NOT INFORMED IT'S THAT LONG HAHA) of waiting, yay, finally, my Pebbles is done with her beauty session. She looked smaller of course, but she's much cuter with her now visible eyes.
Our second appointment was the booster shot and kennel cough vaccines. The doctor said it would hurt, but then when the injections were given, Pebbles did not cry. Though after a minute she was uneasy and whimpered a bit, but then that was it. WHAT A BRAVE LITTLE DOG, our baby is! 😘
I bought her chicken nuggets from Burger King for her lunch. Afterwards I gave her treats because she's a very good and brave little girl. Our brave little one. My brave little daughter. ♥️

Her eyes cannot be seen here.

I do not have a solo photo that of Pebbles but here are the pictures I took after our grooming visit. Is she adorable or what? 😍

She looks like a stuffed toy here. And look at those eyes! So pretty.

That's how my weekend looked like. I love Pebbles with all my heart and I'm her Valentine as much as she is mine. How about you? How's your weekend life with your pet? ✨
‘Til the next post, hivers! Remember that you are loved beyond borders and beyond time & space. Okay? Okay. 💛❤️
Ciao for now! 🤗🥰
This original article is written by Jong, the blogger behind writetowander.com. All photos are hers, too.
Hive-llo, everyone! Welcome to Jong's little buzz-y corner in Hive. Jong believes that every person she meets can teach her a thing or two (or three, or more) about life. She shares her love for life here-- the captivating beauty of life! To be more specific, but not necessarily in this order, she's interested in: wisdom, love, poetry, single life, books, travel, health&fitness, fashion, gratitude, unspoken hurts, heartbreaks and healing. Lastly, she loves Jesus.
Do you like her content? Make sure to upvote, then! Drop some love by leaving a comment-- she really appreciates listening to your thoughts! 💛 Feel free to reblog if her post resonated with you. Kindly follow her to not miss a post! Happy hiving, loves! 💛
Pebbles is so cute sis!❤️ Yes, we don't deserve their love and loyalty. Only a pet parent feels the happiness they can give us. I hope to see you soon, furball!!😍 ❤️
True jud sis. Their love is so pure🤧
Pebbles and I are excited to see you soon pud! Mwamwaaa😘
Cute kaayo! Hey Peebles! I hope Jeep and Ney will meetyou one day 💛
Pebbles also hopes to see you Jeep and Ney!! Sooooon!!!😘
Cudiee Pebbles💓💓💓
yieee thankee😘💖
@jongcl, this comment has been manually curated with
Thank you!💕
Cutieee Pebbles😍😍
She's so cute and seem to be enjoying it! even cuter after grooming too!