Feeding the hungry homeless doggos in rural southern Thailand

in Hive Pets4 years ago

Our organization has been strapped for cash for over a year now but we do our best to continue to feed and treat the homeless dog population of the Krabi region anyway. Almost all of us have dipped into our own pockets on numerous occasions to keep the help coming but thankfully, a recent rather large donation will keep the food truck rolling for another month or so.


We visit these rural areas every week or so to check on the population of strays because they are the most hard hit by the Covid lockdown. In the past, when everything was prosperous, these animals as well as the ones that live in the more populated areas were kept fed by the leftovers from dinner from the residents of these areas. Now that massive unemployment and a huge drop in the overall economy has been going on for a while, a lot of these families that previously provided the dogs with leftover food are unable to do so.

We aren't playing favorites or anything, but the dogs in the urban areas (none of the areas in Krabi are very populated) have a much better chance for handouts than the dogs that live in the more remote areas.

It's kind of touching because when we first met these guys and girls they were, as you would expect, very territorial and not terribly welcoming of us. Now, when we approach it is almost like they actually know the look or more likely sound of the truck engine and come out to greet us with tails a waggin!


We do make sure to take careful notes on each individual dog and try to make plans to sterilize the females so that the population can be kept under control. We also look for dogs with skin problems and parasite infestations to treat them with a broad-spectrum edible snack that also keeps them parasite-free for up to 4 months.


As always we want to thank Krabi Bangkok Animal Hospital for providing us with this medication at cost. It saves a lot of lives and helps to improve the quality of life of these dogs for a long time. This particular pack is in pretty great shape as far as their coats are concerned and this is a good sign because we have been looking after them for about a year and we haven't seen the population increase or drop, which is exactly the idea.


We will continue our fight to improve the lives of the stray animal population of Krabi for as long as it takes. While I realize that most of the people reading this are likely too far away to help us directly, I strongly encourage you animal lovers out there to adopt pets, not shop for pets... and to also donate your time, money, or both to your local animal shelter or animal rescue operation. I can assure you that every little bit counts!

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.




Thank goodness for the donation thanks to the donator these animals get some food, also seems the plan is working in certain areas good job.

yes, we are very happy on both fronts. It is nice to see that our operations are making an impact, that is for sure.

Thanks for sharing this. It’s wonderful what you do for those animals. Hearing that they are wagging when they see you really shows how much of an impact you are making in those dogs lives. I went ahead and paypal’d a donation for you guys. It’s not much but every little bit helps. I hope you guys have what you need to take care of those animals.

Oh wow, thanks a lot for that!