It's been 5 years since our Maltese dog Sass died. Sass died in November 2017 from what we believe to be a heart attack, and although she was 13 years old at the time it was still a shock for her to suddenly be gone from our lives.
We bought Sass when she was a pup back in 2004. I can't remember much of the details about how my parents contacted the seller and arranged everything but it was long before we knew much about the internet, so I'm guessing it was through the back pages of the local news papers in the buy/sell section. Anyway, once Sass was home with us it was fun to have a puppy in the house to brighten things up a bit.
They're such jokers when they're young lol.
After a few weeks my mum noticed that Sass was a little different to our previous Maltese dog Zoe. Zoe was very quiet and very placid, just happy to sit next to you and that was it. But now mum had Sass, and Sass was a ball of hyper energy and a real yapper. Mum didn't like this too much but that's just who Sass was, even in her old age past the age of 10 she was still eager for walks and to play. I thought it was great as I was the main one to walk Sass around the estate we lived in. Looking back I wish that I had taken Sass on more drives and to more places to explore and walk around as she always loved a good walk.
Time for a walk.
Unfortunately, as we all know, the dogs in our lives can only be with us for what in the long run is only a very short time. And after 13 years it was time for Sass to leave us. After a few days of her seeming to be unwell with a weird cough and looking sad and weak we decided we better take her to the vet... we decided to give it a day or two but the next morning it was too late. Sass started moaning and coughing then let out a very loud scream and died right away... After doing some research it turned out these are all associated with the symptoms of a dog heart attack. My parents have Sass buried next to Zoe in the backyard under a nice little tree so the two of them can keep each other company forever.
Sass with her favorite toy in the whole world, her duckie.
What a cute dog. It's so hard when they leave us.