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RE: I and Sky just had our first Photoshoot

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Oh yes, we've got three cats and a dog. I just made a post on their new auto-clean litterbox here..

The black one (Jax) isn't shown in that post. For some reason not able to upload pic here today..


Wow, what a crazy investment but definitely a smart one! Cleaning litter boxes can be a pain if you have allergies or even just own more pets and have to do it more often than usual.

Your cats are beautiful!!

Yes, it was an obnoxious initial cost. I'm really hoping to recover that in less litter costs within reasonable time though. So far, it does seem to be using MUCH less litter. And the performance is amazing. Zero pee or poo smell in the bathroom now where before it would often get quite powerful.

Happy to hear that!