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RE: Missing My Buddy: Vale Mr Gin

in Hive Pets β€’ 3 years ago

Thank You!
Those kind of people normally have more issues than the Cat one. I am sorry they exist..😐😐😐
I am sure they never seen a Cat grow-up from birth.
If you have, you will notice - baby cats (kittens) are very, very much like humans - little quicker in the intelligence side!

My buddy - "Tang" is My true friend, although a stray of sorts,
He shows up whenever I am around - "I Just Love him", and will not take him for granted.
Have as great a day as You can!
And Many Hugs, to You as well!

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I have a soft spot for free-roaming, world-is-my-oyster boys like Tang - he sounds just like our recued MD.

Hugs to you too, @lesmann x

Thank You,
I believe "Cats" have a capacity for Love that may very well exceed most humans.
Thank You again & Stay Blessed!

I'm beginning to believe that the karmic idea works in the reverse of what we humans want to believe - that we START as humans and then evolve into dogs and pigs and move UP the consciousness chain towards catness. Finally, we get to be things like ants - serving selflessly, cleaning up the debris of others. And birds who sing just because they can.

Hmmmm.... thoughts prompting a maybe post....