A temporary home for MAX / Un hogar temporal para MAX - ENG/ESP

in Hive Pets11 months ago

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Hello my pet-loving friends, how are you today?
The day has definitely come to tell you about MAX, my beloved tenant of a few days. As I told you in my post Some furry angels for adoption - ENG/ESP, Max came into our life thanks to the fact that I wanted to find a companion for Luna. But let's start at the beginning:

Hola amigos amantes de las mascotas, cómo están hoy?
Definitivamente llegó el día de hablarles de MAX, mi amado inquilino de unos días. Como les conté en mi post Some furry angels for adoption - ENG/ESP, Max llegó a nuestra vida gracias a querer buscarle compañero a Luna. Pero comencemos por el principio:



One day we came to a pet foundation in Caracas called Fundalma, which is run by women who love pets. We told them that we were looking for a companion for Luna because it would be ideal to have one more in the family so that Luna would not be stressed at home by having to stay alone. When we arrived, they were very kind to us, but unfortunately we could not find one that would fit the conditions we were looking for. Not that we were demanding, but since we had to leave soon for Margarita Island, we needed one that was small or not bigger than Luna, that would not shed so much fur since my partner suffers from asthma and that would be something more delicate.

Un día llegamos a una fundación de mascotas en Caracas llamada Fundalma, la cual está atendida por mujeres amantes de las mascotas. Les comentamos que buscábamos a un compañero para Luna ya que sería ideal tener uno más en la familia para que Luna no se estresara en casa al tener que quedarse sola. Al llegar, muy amablemente nos atendieron ellas, pero desafortunadamente no conseguimos a uno que se adaptara a las condiciones que buscábamos. No es que fuésemos exigentes, pero ya que debíamos partir pronto a la Isla de Margarita, necesitábamos a uno que fuese pequeño o no más grande que Luna, que no botara tanto pelaje ya que mi pareja sufre de asma y eso sería ya algo más delicado.



Indeed, in that foundation there were beautiful dogs and cats, but none with the characteristics we were looking for. There was one called Malú, that we loved, she was almost hairless, beautiful, silky and almost perfect, because of two things: she was big and she was a female. When she approached Luna, the first thing that happened was that they almost got into a fight. Although Luna is not aggressive, she does not like to be approached so fast and if it is to bite her and a female, even worse. Even then, we knew she wasn't the one. We have always thought that if we are going to adopt another member, this one must be accepted by Luna, she is always our priority. I don't know if it's selfish, but that's the way we are, we don't want Luna to change her personality or feel invaded or out of place by another dog, so we make sure that whenever we take a dog home, it gets along well with her.

Efectivamente en esa fundación habían hermosos perros y gatos, pero ninguno con las características que buscábamos. Había una llamada Malú, que nos encantó, no botaba casi pelo, era hermosa, sedosa y casi perfecta, por dos cosas: era grande y era hembra. Al acercarse a Luna, lo primero que sucedió es que casi se agarran a pelear. A pesar que Luna no es agresiva, no le gusta que se le acerquen tan rápido y si es para morderla y una hembra, peor aún. Ya por ahí, supimos que ella no era la indicada. Siempre hemos pensado que si vamos a adoptar a otro integrante, este debe ser aceptado por Luna, ella siempre es nuestra prioridad. No sé si sea egoísta, pero así somos, no queremos que Luna cambie su personalidad o que se sienta invadida o fuera de lugar por otro perro, así que nos cuidamos de que siempre que llevemos algún perro a casa, este, se lleve bien con ella.



A friend had told us a few days before that she wanted a pet, we sent her pictures of the dogs, but she decided on a beautiful one called "Batman". His story is quite sad; the people in charge of the place told us that his first owners mistreated him a lot, they assume that his owner was a man because he was very afraid when someone approached him. Later, they were able to rescue him from that place and someone else adopted him, but for some reason they didn't tell me, they returned him to the foundation. That day, Batman was pacing back and forth and standing on the corners, totally scared. I tried to approach him little by little and out of fear he tried to defend himself and almost bit my hand, but it was nothing more than a warning.

Una amiga nos había comentado unos días antes que quería una mascota, le mandamos fotos de los perros, pero se decidió por uno hermoso llamado “Batman”. Su historia es bastante triste; las encargadas del lugar nos contaron que sus primeros dueños lo maltrataron mucho, que ellas asumen que su dueño era un hombre ya que él les tenía mucho temor cuando alguno se le acercaba. Luego, ellas pudieron rescatarlo de ese lugar y alguien más lo adoptó, pero por alguna razón que no me dijeron, lo devolvieron a la fundación. Ese día, Batman caminaba acelerado de un lado a otro y se ponía en las esquinas, totalmente asustado. Yo intenté acercarme poco a poco y por miedo intentó defenderse y casi me muerde la mano, pero no pasó a más que una advertencia.




I kept trying until I could get close to him and pet him, and he stayed calm and confident that I would not hurt him. After a while we patiently put him in the car with a leash and he stayed calm. I would like to know what this puppy, who was only 8 months old, could have been thinking when we were taking him in an unknown machine and with unknown people. When we got home, we put him down and patiently guided him to walk because he was so afraid that he walked with his tail tucked up and scared. When we got home, he was able to lie down and perhaps feel calm. That first day, we decided to call him Max, with the intention that he would forget his past name and maybe he could leave it behind.

Yo seguí intentado hasta que pude acercarme a él y acariciarlo, quedándose tranquilo y confiando que no le haría daño. Ya un rato después con mucha paciencia lo metimos al automóvil con una correa y ahí él se quedó tranquilo. Quisiera saber qué pudo haber estado pensando ese cachorro que solo tenía 8 meses de edad cuando lo estábamos llevando en una máquina desconocida y siendo personas desconocidas también. Al llegar a casa, lo bajamos y lo fuimos guiando con paciencia para que caminara porque tenía tanto temor que caminaba con sus cola muy guardada y con miedo. Al llegar a casa pudo acostarse y quizás sentirse tranquilo. Ese primer día, decidimos llamarlo Max, esto con la intención de que olvidara su nombre del pasado y quizás pudiera ir dejándolo atrás.



Those days, which were 5, while I was waiting for my friend to be at home to take him, I could notice that he preferred to stay at home, rather than go out, in fact when I invited him for a walk, he would go to hide. And when I managed to take him out, he would relieve himself walking halfway. So he always went out with a lot of bags and paper to clean the aisles XD.

Esos días, que fueron 5, mientras esperaba a mi amiga que estuviera en su casa para llevárselo, pude notar que él prefería quedarse en casa, que salir, de hecho cuando lo invitaba a dar un paseo, se iba a esconder. Y cuando lograba sacarlo, se hacía sus necesidades caminando a mitad del recorrido. Por lo que siempre salía con muchas bolsas y papel para poder limpiar pasillos XD.


The days went by and he was adapting, he was already arriving at the square and was calmer. I was able to release him, and he did not leave my side, which I thought was excellent. I took him to parks, but he was always glued to the walls as far away from people as possible, but it is a trauma that will surely pass someday.

The day came and I was able to take Max to my friend. Today, he is doing well with her, he is being a happier dog, but according to what she tells me, he is still a little bit scared, but little by little he is getting better. Besides that and in spite of his fears, he is a super protective and guardian dog. I hope at some point Max learns that we are not all bad so he can live a happier life!

Ya los días fueron pasando y él se fue adaptando, ya llegaba a la plaza y estaba más tranquilo. Pude soltarlo, y no se iba de mi lado, lo que me parecía excelente. Lo llevaba a parques, pero siempre estaba pegado a las paredes lo más lejos de las personas, pero es un trauma que seguramente algún día se le pasará.

El día llegó y pude llevarle a Max a mi amiga. Hoy en día, él está bien con ella, está siendo un perro más feliz, pero según me cuenta ella, sigue un poco asustadizo, pero que poco a poco va mejorando. Además de eso y a pesar de sus miedos, es un perro súper protector y guardián. Espero en algún momento Max aprenda a que no todos somos malos para que así pueda vivir una vida cada vez más feliz!


Best regards to all of you!

Les mando muchos saludos a todos!


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