assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatu, see you again, this time we will explain how to raise broilers, these are broiler chicks that are two days old, we will explain how to treat or treat well, one of which we have to take care of food and drink one of the important things is that our water must enter the vitamins and we have to take care that it doesn't enter the rise so that it doesn't enter the water and we have to see the water that we have added the vitamins for up to two hours it doesn't run out. it will stink and will become bacteria or one of them will become bacteria eating chicken will cause lethargy and no appetite anymore until it causes death so we have to take care of the water well, that's the fault
and secondly we have to take care of the food because if the chicken breaks up the chicken food will cause skinny and lethargic so don't ever give up food if the age is still small the chicken needs warm energy we have to install Lampung sufficiently and the light is not too hot and not too cold because when the chicks are small they need enough heat energy, don't just be cold because if they are cold the chicks will pile up if the chicks
accumulate and will cause death due to pinching and cause death from eating don't just turn off the lights after two weeks It doesn't need solar energy anymore and what's even better is that after two weeks, the chicks won't have much anymore because the chicks will
the third we have to clean the cage and the ground, because the chicks are still two days old we can't put it directly on the ground we have to put wood pulp or rice dregs if we put it directly on the chicken ground it will cause heavy legs and wounds will cause paralysis or can't walk anymore and there is no appetite anymore will cause death after the age of the chicks is less than ten days we can just put it on the ground if it hasn't been ten days never put it on the ground and we have to clean the cage every two days and if it doesn't eat it will removing lice or germs, that's all I can tell you about broiler chicks