Feeding stray cats

in Hive Pets7 months ago

Here are a lot of stray cats in the residence where I live. They usually gather in the same spot, and since some people feed them, the cats have chosen this place as their 'home.' Even though they're strays, you always see them coming back.

My girlfriend and I have been feeding these stray cats for months now, so today I wanted to show you some photos of them.

There are about 8 cats in this area, but only a few of them were there this day.

En la residencia donde vivo hay muchos gatos callejeros que suelen reunirse en el mismo lugar, algunas personas les dan comida asi que los gatos han escogido este lugar como su "casa" apesar de ser callejeros siempre los ves regresando aqui.

Mi novia y yo ya llevamos meses alimentados a estos gatos callejeros, asi que hoy se los quise mostrar en fotos.

Hay aproximadamente unos 8 gatos en este lugar pero este dia solo estaban algunos de ellos.

Normally, we bring them cat food, but today we wanted to give them some leftover meat that we cooked without salt for them.

It's really funny how often we arrive and only see 1 or 2 cats, but as soon as we start serving their food, they all start to appear!

Normalmente les llevamos comida para gatos (gatarina) pero en este dia quisimos llevarles una carne que nos quedó extra, la preparamos sin sal para ellos.

Es muy gracioso que muchas veces llegamos al sitio y solo vemos 1 o 2 gatos pero apenas empezamos a servirles comida comienzan a aparecer todos!

We try to divide the food evenly so that all the cats can eat, and we keep an eye on them until they finish eating to prevent them from fighting for the food.

Tratamos de repartir la comida en partes iguales para que todos los gatos puedan comer y estamos pendientes hasta que terminan para evitar que se peleen por la comida.

From feeding them so many times, we've gained the trust of these cats, and they let us pet them. They're all so sweet. You can tell that they need affection. Although I can't adopt them all, at least I make sure to feed them and give them some pets whenever I see them.

De tantas veces que hemos ido a alimentarlos, nos hemos ganado la confianza de estos gatos y se dejan acariciar y son todos una ternura, se nota que les hace falta cariño, aunque no los puedo adoptar a todo, almenos me aseguro de alimentarlos y darles un poco de caricias cada vez que los veo.

With this post, I hope to inspire you to feed stray cats and dogs too. Instead of throwing away your leftover food, you could give it to them!

I have cats at home, so I have to buy cat food every month, and I always include an extra bag in my budget to feed the stray cats!"

Con esta publicacion busco inspirarlos que ustedes tambien alimenten gatos y perritos callejeros, en vez de botar la comida que les sobre podrian darselos a ellos!

Yo tengo gatos en mi hogar asi que todos los meses tengo que comprar gatarina y en mi presupuesto siempre incluyo 1 bolsa extra para alimentar a los gatos callejeros!


God bless you! We have around 10 stray cats we feed regularly along with our own cats and also crafted a little house for them to shelter during the cold seasons. If more people would do the bare minimum to feed and take care of the stray animals, this world would be a better place for sure.

also crafted a little house for them to shelter during the cold seasons.

i wanna do the same for this cats!! they need a tinny house where people could put food for them and that way the food doesnt get wet in rainy days!

If more people would do the bare minimum to feed and take care of the stray animals, this world would be a better place for sure.

that's really true!

i wanna do the same for this cats!! they need a tinny house where people could put food for them and that way the food doesnt get wet in rainy days!

For us the main reason was to keep them warm but also safe as there are lots of dogs and foxes around... plus the pigeons do steal the cats' food with every chance!!! lol

Every cat I see here belongs to someone. There are not any stray cats that I know of, but if there was I would take it home. I miss cats. Thanks for feeding them!

These cats needs a lot of love they are just too sweet.

here we dont have "pets patrols" or i dont know how is that called in there, so we have a lot of stray cats and dogs

Hola @malos10, es un gesto hermoso que haces por estos bellos animales que lo que le faltan es cariño.

Si les hace falta mucho cariño y ahora que nos ganamos su confianza pudimos notar que son demasiado dulces y cariñosos

I like the gray guy! Reminds me of my favorite pet cat I used to have, but he ran away one day and never came back. Sadly I fear he was lost to a predator in the mountains where we lived back then in the USA.

I love that you are taking care of all these cool cats, because you are a cool cat yourself!

I love that you are taking care of all these cool cats

i do it with a lot of love!!

because you are a cool cat yourself!

that killed me HAHAHAH

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Saludos. Un gran gesto que cambia el día de muchos. Los gatitos de la calle sufren algunas adversidades cómo el clima (lluvia, sol inclemente, etc.), riesgo de contagiar enfermedades, ser agredidos por humanos y algunas cosas más. Sobre todo, no comer de forma continua y a las horas correspondientes los enferma del estómago, los riñones e hígado. Mi gata Kittie es rescatada y tuvo problemas con eso. Afortunadamente, siempre hay quienes también aman y velan por la vida animal. Gracias por motivar con tus fotografías y tus palabras.

Que hermosa labor, también ayudo a los callejeritos que puedo en el camino, y tengo 12 bocas de 4 patas en casa, es bueno que se hagan publicaciones como estás para inspirar a qué se siga este camino y ayudar a quien tanto lo necesita. 🤗