My puppy overcame death for 3 chances and then he couldn't hold out -Mi perrito Venció la muerte por 3 oportunidades ya luego no aguantó...

in Hive Pets4 years ago
Hola amigos de #hive en esta oportunidad, les voy hablar sobre black mi perrito poodle con schnauzer que me regalo mi novia cuando teníamos 1 año de relación aproximadamente

Hello friends of hive this time, I'm going to talk about black my poodle puppy with schnauzer that my girlfriend gave me when we had about 1 year of relationship

Un veterinario cerca de su casa atendió el parto, nacieron con él 3 cachorritos, con las semanas los dueños de la mamá perruna contactan al veterinario para decirle que los perritos se estaban como muriendo. Ya que nunca le dieron la atención necesaria y las moscas le hicieron pupu en los ojos. El veterinario los atiende y efectivamente 2 literal ya estaban muertos y sólo black tenía esperanzas... El se lo llevó a su casa y ya que tenía todas las cosas para curarlo, lo hizo! Luego de semanas ya estaba en perfecto estado y comienza a buscar quien lo adopte. Mi suegra y el tienen muy buena comunicación y ella le dijo que se lo diera a mi novia que ella lo iba a cuidar y toda la cosa... Cuando nos lo dio la verdad estaba muy sucio, con pulguitas... Pero eso no nos importó, le sacamos todas las pulguitas y lo bañamos

A veterinarian near his home attended the delivery, 3 puppies were born with him, with weeks the owners of the mother dog contacted the veterinarian to tell him that the puppies were dying. Since they never gave him the necessary attention and the flies made him poop in his eyes. The vet takes care of them and indeed 2 literals were already dead and only black had hopes ... He took him to his house and since he had everything to cure him, he did it! After weeks he was already in perfect condition and begins to look for someone to adopt him. My mother-in-law and he have very good communication and she told him to give it to my girlfriend that she was going to take care of it and the whole thing ... When she gave it to us the truth was very dirty, with little fleas ... But that is not we cared, we took out all the fleas and bathed him

Desde ese momento supimos que Dios le había dado otra oportunidad de vivir, para llenarlo de amor, era un cachorrito muy cariñoso, le encantaba jugar, correr y dormir jajajaja

From that moment we knew that God had given him another opportunity to live, to fill him with love, he was a very affectionate puppy, he loved to play, run and sleep hahahaha


Pasaron los meses y black volvió a enfermarse, le dio parvovirosis. La parvovirosis canina es la principal enfermedad viral canina. Afecta principalmente a cachorros, produciendo alteración de las vellosidades intestinales, manifestada clínicamente como diarrea sanguinolenta y maloliente, junto con un deterioro del estado general del animal

Months passed and black got sick again, he got parvovirus. Canine parvovirus is the main canine viral disease. It mainly affects puppies, producing alteration of the intestinal villi, clinically manifested as bloody and foul-smelling diarrhea, together with a deterioration of the general state of the animal

Gracias al veterinario que nos lo dio se volvió a salvar, le salvó la vida por segunda vez. El estaba aferrado a la vida🥺

Thanks to the vet who gave it to us, he was saved again, he saved his life for the second time. He was clinging to life


En la foto tenia 3 días que le habían quitado el tratamiento, por ende la patita seguía con poco pelo. Pero el posando para la foto😍

In the photo he had 3 days that the treatment had been removed, therefore the little leg was still with little hair. But the posing for the photo😍

Ya todo siguió normal, el siendo feliz con nosotras y nosotras con él. Llegó su primera navidad😍

Everything continued normal, he being happy with us and we with him. His first christmas arrived😍



Su primer cumpleaños

His first birthday


Como ya les conté, por la situación del país (Venezuela) Me tocó emigrar, y pues obvio lo lleve conmigo

As I already told you, due to the situation in the country (Venezuela) I had to emigrate, and of course I took it with me

Siempre feliz a mi lado, amaba las fotos, que le dijeran que estaba hermoso, que le hicieran cariños

Always happy by my side, he loved the photos, that they told him that he was beautiful, that they made him love

Después de tener 1 año acá en Colombia se volvió a enfermar, los mismos síntomas de la parvovirosis, no entendíamos el pqe si tenía sus vacunas al día y ya le había dado esa horrible enfermedad y lo había superado

After being here in Colombia for 1 year, he became ill again, the same symptoms of parvovirus, we did not understand why he had his vaccinations up to date and had already given him that horrible disease and had overcome it


Faltaba poco tiempo para su segundo cumpleaños y yo rezando para que no me le pasara nada🥺. Con el medicamento se volvió a salvar y le pudimos celebrar su cumpleaños

His second birthday was only a short time away and I was praying that nothing would happen to me🥺. With the medicine she was saved again and we were able to celebrate her birthday

Después de su cumpleaños comenzó lo peor... Black se enfermo de la piel, ya no podía caminar bien, perdió fuerza en las caderas, para pararse le costaba, ya casi no podía caminar... No aguantaba el pipí, lo teníamos 24/7con pañal y literal cayó en depresión! Luego se dio cuenta que a pesar de eso no dejamos de amarlo e intento seguir siendo el mismo

After his birthday the worst started ... Black got sick with his skin, he could no longer walk well, he lost strength in his hips, it was difficult for him to stand, he could hardly walk anymore ... He could not stand the pee, we had it 24 / 7with a diaper and literally fell into depression! Then he realized that despite that we did not stop loving him and he tried to remain the same


Yo lo seguía mimando como si aun fuera un bebé, en serio el me amaba🥺 jamás había tenido esa conexión con ningún otro perrito... Éramos el y yo contra el mundo

I continued to pamper him as if he were still a baby, he really loved me🥺 he had never had that connection with any other puppy ... It was him and me against the world

Lo puse en tratamiento para ver si mejoraba, pero nada funcionó, ya sus riñones estaban muy dañados y el veterinario me dijo que solo quedaba esperar ver que tiempo duraba o dormirlo... Obvio lo deje que disfrutará el tiempo que le quedaba...

I put him in treatment to see if he improved, but nothing worked, his kidneys were already very damaged and the vet told me that he only had to wait to see how long it lasted or put him to sleep ... Obviously I let him enjoy the time he had left


Después de esta fiesta, perdí el resto de las fotos😓. Y el 18 de marzo del 2020 murió mi black💔. Siguió empeorando, ya todas las noches se quejaba... Y ya no aguantó más, su despedida fue muy dura, lloraba y lloraba de dolor, hasta que ya... Pudo descansar mi negrito. Fue super duro para todos en la casa.... Aun lo recordamos con mucho amor, recordamos cada una de sus locuras y extrañamos sus besos🥺. Realmente tarde mucho en escribir todo esto, las lágrimas no me dejaban ver...

After this party, I lost the rest of the photos😓. And on March 18, 2020 my black died. She continued to get worse, and every night she complained ... And she couldn't take it anymore, his farewell was very hard, she cried and cried with pain, until now ... My little black man was able to rest. It was super hard for everyone in the house .... We still remember him with a lot of love, we remember each of his crazy things and we miss his kisses🥺. It really took a long time to write all this, the tears would not let me see

Sé que luchaste 3 veces por tu vida pqe debías estar a mi lado, Se que a eso viniste al mundo, a llenarme de amor, a sentir mi amor por ti. Fuiste y siempre serás mi amor perruno, lo mas malcriado y negrito de mi vida🥺. Te amo por siempre mi Black Alejandro ❤️

I know that you fought 3 times for your life because you should be by my side, I know that is what you came to the world for, to fill me with love, to feel my love for you. You were and always will be my doggy love, the most spoiled and black of my life🥺. I love you forever my Black Alejandro ❤️


Que hermoso, amiga🥺❤️


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