[ENG/ESP] How well the food has worked for my little chickens and turkeys/ Que bien les ha funcionado la comida a mis pollitos y pavos.

in Hive Pets2 months ago
Authored by @Merlyned


Hello dear friends of this beautiful Hive Pets community, today I will talk to you about how well the food has worked for my chickens and turkey, I bought it in a store at a good price.

These chickens are already a month old and have grown rapidly, even the chickens are the height of a turkey and this is interesting.

The food is for starter chickens and comes with an interesting mixture, I don't actually know how they prepare it but it has worked.

Hola queridos amigos de esta hermosa comunidad Hive pets, hoy les hablaré sobre lo bien que ha funcionado el alimento para mis pollos y pavo, lo crompro en una tienda a buen precio.

Estos pollos ya tienen el mes y han crecido rápidamente, incluso los pollos tienen la altura del pavo y esto es interesante.

El alimento es para pollos de inicio y viene con una mezcla interesante, en realidad no se de que lo preparan pero si ha funcionado.


We must give the chickens a little freedom with the hen but we must also keep an eye on them because any predator can attack.

Before I only gave them ground corn but I didn't give them the necessary nutrients to grow and have a good appearance, these are things that one learns over time.

The hen can eat her corn whole or ground, I tell you that these have turned out to be good mothers and they don't leave their babies for anything.

Debemos darle un poco de libertad a los pollos con la gallina pero de igual manera debemos vigilarlos porque cualquier depredador puede atacar.

Antes les daba solo maiz molido pero no les daba los nutrientes necesarios para crecer y tener buen porte, son cosas que uno va aprendiendo con el tiempo.

La gallina si puede comer su maiz entero o molido, les digo que estas han salido buenas madres y no dejan a sus crias por nada.



They already have their container where they add the food so they don't spread it all over the place and their water container securely fastened so it doesn't spill.

I am going to continue with the food because it has worked very well for me, and when they are older they will have another more effective one.

Telephone: Estudio Blu.
I hope you like the post, greetings.Author: @merlyned

Ya tienen su recipiente donde les agrego el alimento para que no lo rieguen por todo el lugar y su envase de agua bien sujeto para que no se derrame.

Voy a continuar con el alimento porque me ha funcionado muy bien, ya cuando estén mas grandes les toca otro mas efectivo.

Teléfono: Blu studio.
Espero que el post les sea de su agrado, saludos.Autor: @merlyned