Meet my Dogs [Esp/Eng]

in Hive Pets9 months ago (edited)

Quiero presentaros a Kaysa y Wanda.

Kaysa es una american bully de 2 años y medio y Wanda es una pitbull de 6 años.
Se pasan el día jugando entre ellas y las dos son demasiado celosas. Le das cariño a una e inmediatamente viene la otra a querer pellizcar te con los dientes solo para que le des cariño.

Cuando me ven coger la correa o la oyen, se vuelven locas porque saben que una o las dos van a salir a la calle.

Kaysa sale a pasear sin correa, pero ahora le encantan los gatos y los persigue, por seguridad tiene que ponerse la correa para salir. Wanda pasea igual sin correa, solo se hace la sorda cuando le conviene y no quiere terminar el paseo ni volver a casa jeje.

Las dos son muy atléticas en el vídeo a continuación estaban esperando el "vámonos" para salir corriendo. 😂

Wanda es capaz de comer unos 10 kilos de comida sin masticar, como si comiera fideos.
Kaysa en cambio, tarda una hora en comerse su ración.

Ambas han tenido 1 solo parto de 8 cachorros cada una. Parecen un poco intimidantes pero la verdad es que son un amor y solo dan cariño y buscan cariño. Adoran a los niños y son incapaces de gruñir o hacer algo que los asuste, si me ven regañando a mis sobrinos corren a defenderlos.

Wanda es muy inteligente, en una ocasión le salvó la vida a Kaysa,ya que se quedó enganchada con el collar dentro de su kennel sobre las 2:00 AM y Wanda desesperada como pudo ladrando y haciendo sonidos como de llanto consiguió despertarnos en casa justo a tiempo para ayudar a Kaysa ya que mi sobrino le había dejado el collar y nadie se dio cuenta y ella entró en el kennel a dormir cosa que no hacía muy a menudo.
Y se le engancharon los ganchitos del collar en el kennel.
Después de eso Kaysa se encariñó aún más con Wanda y desde ese día se convirtieron en hermanas, tanto que cuando Kaysa tuvo a sus cachorros, dejó que Wanda jugara con ellos y en ningún momento hubo ningún gesto de gruñido de Kaysa hacia Wanda.

I would like to introduce Kaysa and Wanda.

Kaysa is a 2 1/2 year old American bully and Wanda is a 6 year old pitbull.
They spend all day playing with each other and they are both too jealous. You give affection to one and immediately the other one comes and wants to nip you with her teeth just to make you give her affection.

When they see me take the leash or hear it they go crazy because they know one or both of them are going to go outside.

Kaysa goes for walks off leash, but now she loves cats and chases them, for safety she has to put the leash on to go outside. Wanda walks the same without a leash, she only plays deaf when it is convenient for her and doesn't want to finish the walk or go home hehe.

They are both very athletic in the video below they were waiting for the "come on" to run off. 😂

Wanda is able to eat about 10 kilos of food without chewing, as if she were eating noodles.
Kaysa, on the other hand, takes an hour to eat her ration.

Wanda is very smart, on one occasion she saved Kaysa life, Kaysa got stuck with the collar inside her kennel around 2:00 AM and Wanda desperate as she could barking and making crying sounds managed to wake us up at home just in time to help Kaysa as my nephew had left the collar on her and no one noticed and she went into the kennel to sleep which she didn't do very often.
And the little hooks on the collar got caught in the dog kennel.
After that Kaysa became even more attached to Wanda and from that day on they became sisters, so much so that when Kaysa had her puppies, she let Wanda play with them and at no time was there any growling gesture from Kaysa towards Wanda.

) Both have had 1 single birth of 8 puppies each. They seem a little intimidating but the truth is that they are a love and only give affection and seek affection. They love children and are incapable of growling or doing anything to scare them, if they see me scolding my nephews they run to defend them.

You're dogs are cute. @micelani

Thank you very much @fixyetbroken

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