Dando mejor calidad de vida a mascotas de la calle|Giving street pets a better quality of life

in Hive Pets2 months ago


"Chiquito fue un perro mestizo que lo adopté porque en la empresa que yo trabajaba, aprovecharon en el tiempo de diciembre cuando nos fuimos de vacaciones, de desaparecer todos los perros que habían por esas empresas, yo estaba muy encariñaba con él y con otros, era muy alto y yo le decía grandotote.

Chiquito was a mongrel dog that I adopted because in the company where I worked, they took advantage of the time in December when we went on vacation, to disappear all the dogs that were in those companies, I was very fond of him and others, he was very tall and I called him "grandotote"

Una fuente fidedigna me informó que vino otra empresa que mata a los perros y los usa para embutido( ignoro hasta donde sea esto verdad) no sé qué cosas más escuché sobre esto me quedé paralizada, quise denunciar pero lamentablemente en nuestro país las leyes en defensa de los animales no están bien estructuradas y por eso el castigo no se aplica. El hecho es que cuando regresamos en enero del 2008 o 2009, ya no estaban los perros. Pasaron los días y yo bastante triste por ese hecho, un día llego a trabajar como todos los días en mi segundo turno, y diviso desde lejos a Chiquito, lo llamé, corrió hacia a mí con mucha alegría.

A reliable source informed me that another company came to kill the dogs and use them for sausage (I don't know how much of this is true), I don't know what else I heard about this, I was paralyzed, I wanted to denounce but unfortunately in our country the laws in defense of animals are not well structured and that is why the punishment is not applied. The fact is that when we returned in January 2008 or 2009, the dogs were no longer there. The days went by and I was very sad about that fact, one day I arrived to work as every day in my second shift, and I saw Chiquito from far away, I called him, he ran towards me with great joy

Pasé todo el turno de trabajo pensando que iba hacer, traté que se mantuviera de cerca de mi área de trabajo, al salir a las 11y15pm de trabajar, hablé con el conductor del autobús para ver si me permitía montarlo que lo querían matar, debía sacarlo de ahí. Al chofer no le gustó la idea me respondió mal, me dijo que no podía acostarlo en los asientos.

I spent the entire work shift thinking about what I was going to do, I tried to keep him close to my work area, when I left work at 11:15pm, I talked to the bus driver to see if he would allow me to ride him, they wanted to kill him, I had to get him out of there. The driver did not like the idea and responded badly, he told me that he could not put him on the seats

Mis compañeros me ayudaron a buscar un plástico para montarlo en el asiento, lo monté en mis piernas y parte de un asiento. Resulta que el transporte me dejaba lejos de mi casa, pero el papá de un compañero, nos buscaba en carro, nos llevaba a la casa, el problema es que mi compañero faltó ese día, y el transporte me iba a dejar ahí sola y de paso con el perro.

My classmates helped me look for a plastic to mount on the seat, I mounted it on my legs and part of a seat. It turns out that the transport was leaving me far from my house, but the father of a colleague was looking for us in a car, he took us to the house, the problem is that my partner was absent that day, and the transport was going to leave me there alone and incidentally with the dog

Todos los compañeros intercedieron por mí y empezaron a gritar que era inhumano dejarme ahí sola a esa hora de la madrugada, lograron convencer al chofer y me dejó más cerca. Dios no me desampara. Igual tuve que caminar un trecho yo sola por todo eso con el perro cargado, ya no podía más con el peso del perro. Cuando llegué a la casa con el perro empezaron las dificultades, en la casa nunca había habido macho sino puras hembras. Por supuesto mi mamá aceptó que se quedara hasta conseguir un dueño, pero no conseguí dueño... se quedó en casa en definitivo.

All my companions interceded for me and started shouting that it was inhuman to leave me there alone at that hour of the morning, they managed to convince the driver and he left me closer. God will not forsake me. I still had to walk a distance by myself through all that with the loaded dog, I could no longer bear the weight of the dog. When I arrived at the house with the dog, the difficulties began, in the house there had never been a male but only females. Of course my mother agreed to let him stay until I found an owner, but I didn't get an owner... he stayed at home permanently.


Murió entre el 2012 o 2013 aproximadamente. No sabemos de qué específicamente. El empezó a dejar de comer, se lo llevé a la veterinaria, se le mandó su tratamiento pero no mejoraba, fue descompensándose, cuando fui a llevárselo a la doctora nuevamente murió en mis brazos, montándolo al carro para llevarlo. Fue muy triste para mí. Él era muy inteligente, me adoraba, le encantaba dormir encima de algo, una silla, una mesa, una corneta, donde podía se encaramaba, era muy protector, juguetón. No importa que no fuera de raza, era mestizo, igual era bello y un buen perro".

He died between 2012 or 2013 approximately. We don't know from what specifically. He started to stop eating, I took him to the vet, he was sent his treatment but he was not getting better, he was decompensating, when I went to take him to the doctor again he died in my arms, putting him in the car to take him to the doctor. It was very sad for me, he was very intelligent, he adored me, he loved to sleep on top of something, a chair, a table, a bugle, wherever he could, he climbed up, he was very protective, playful. It doesn't matter that he was not a purebred, he was a mongrel, he was still beautiful and a good dog

Con estas historias solo me gustaría sensibilizar a los que leen para seguir ayudando a las mascotas desprotegidas. En este momento tenemos siete mascotas para cuidar alimentar y amar. Imagen de mi álbum familiar. Mi firma realizada con aplicación Media Social Post desde mi celular Samsung J4. La primera imagen con la misma aplicación.

With these stories I would just like to sensitize those who read to continue helping unprotected pets. At the moment we have seven pets to care for, feed and love. Image from my family album. My signature made with Media Social Post application from my Samsung J4 cell phone. The first image with the same application



I think you shared too much information by letting the reader's imagination run wild with the sausage theme but to each your own.

My recommendation for next time is to be more subtle when saying that kind of thing, no one wants to enter a post to read that kind of information when you are in a community that loves animals.