moombatah cross-posted this post in Hive Pets 3 years ago

home ecosystem


I'm showing you with these photos a little part of the ecosystem that grows in my aquarium.

Here, you can see a "neocaridina bloody mary" shrimp. It's one among many others :


I saw on this dead leaf these little critter who look like black ladybug. It's not bigger than 1mm. I don't know how they come here... They just eat dead leaf and now they are an integral part of the ecosystem. I let them now. If someone know what is it, I would like to know it 🙂

I got a good image quality. I was able to take close-up these photos just with a eyecup. I put this eyecup on my phone camera lens.


Here is a larger shot of where I took the photos.


Original photo taken by @moombatah with iPhone 12