Les presento a Björn el gato cono

in Hive Pets4 years ago

Hola, comunidad de PEAKD, es un gusto para mi iniciar en esta increible comunidad a la cual quiero hacer parte, entonces, despues de tanto pensarlo. Fue sencillo y ¿Porque no iniciar enseñandoles, la "bendicion" que llego el 29 de Diciembre a la puerta de mi apartamento, una noche lluviosa aca en Bogota.
Hello, PEAKD community, it is a pleasure for me to start in this incredible community that I want to be part of, so, after so much thinking about it, it was simple and why not start by showing you, the "blessing" that arrived on December 29th at my apartment door, one rainy night here in Bogota. It was simple and why not start by showing you the "blessing" that arrived on December 29th at the door of my apartment, a rainy night here in Bogota.

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Les cuento que desde hace tiempo, deseaba un gato, pensaba adoptar uno, inclusive ya habia hablado con un refugio para adoptar uno, pero, aquello que me detenia, es que mi apartamento es el sitio de trabajo y tengo bastante movimiento con cajas y accesorios. Si tienes gatos, sabes que algunas veces son mañosos y buscan orinar libros o cajas.
I have been wanting a cat for a long time, I was thinking of adopting one, I had even talked to a shelter to adopt one, but, what stopped me, is that my apartment is where I work and I have a lot of movement with boxes and accessories. If you have cats, you know that sometimes they are crafty and try to pee on books or boxes.

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Pero esa noche, ya cerca de finalizar el año, tuve una gran sorpresa al regresar a casa, en la puerta de entrada, se encontraba un gato refugiandose de la lluvia, se notaba mojado, sucio, que habia pasado por la calle y sus malas experiencias con los animales y mas aun, con gatos negros (por las tontas creencias sobre mala suerte)
But that night, near the end of the year, I had a big surprise when I returned home, at the front door, there was a cat sheltering from the rain, it was wet, dirty, he had been through the street and his bad experiences with animals and even more, with black cats (because of the silly beliefs about bad luck).


Esa primera noche, se porto bastante bien, aunque maullaba bastante, lo primero fue secarlo un poco, darle comida para poder limpiarlo y por ultimo acomodarle una cama con un tendido para que se sintiera a gusto.😀😇
That first night, he behaved quite well, although he meowed a lot, the first thing to do was to dry him a little, give him some food to clean him up and finally put him in a bed with a bedding to make him feel comfortable 😀😇.

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Los dias siguientes, fue mejorando y se veia mucho mejor, pero, en el apartamento del lado, se encontraba una gata en celo....
Como ya se imaginaran en este punto, tener un gato "caliente" en tu sala, dando un concierto de alaridos, no es muy grato a las 2 de la mañana. 😩
The next few days, she was getting better and looking much better, but, in the apartment next door, there was a cat in heat.....
As you can imagine at this point, having a "horny" cat in your living room, giving a screaming concert, is not very pleasant at 2 in the morning. 😩

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Por tal motivo, decidi esterilizarlo, en una veterinaria local, tambien para evitar, que se saliera un dia y nunca volviera...
En el proceso, de curacion, se lastimo un testiculo, porque al tener el desespero de querer lamerse y no poder, se empezo a rascar, SE RASCABA!! Alguna vez han visto un gato rascarse JAJAJA
😂😂😂 Por eso se lastimo y tuve que volverlo a llevar, para que le sanaran un punto, se imaginaran la reaccion del michi
For this reason, I decided to sterilize him, in a local veterinarian, also to avoid that he went out one day and never came back....
In the process of healing, he hurt his testicle, because he was desperate to lick himself and couldn't, he started scratching, he was scratching himself! Have you ever seen a cat scratching HAHAHAHA!
That's why he got hurt and I had to take him back to the hospital to have a stitch healed, you can imagine the reaction of the michi.

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Ahora esta mucho mejor, pero fue el gato cono, cerca de 10 dias, era bastante comico y te dejo las fotos que pude tomarle en el proceso hasta hoy y claro, si llegaste hasta aca, que gusto, ya que siempre me extendi un poco, narrandote toda la aventura que pasamos (creeme que omito muchisimo 😂😍)
Si te gusto, deja un like para entregarles contenido mas seguido!
Muchas gracias 🙌
Now he is much better, but it was the cat cono, about 10 days, it was quite comical and I leave you the pictures I could take in the process until today and of course, if you got here, I always extend a little, telling you all the adventure we went through (believe me I omit a lot 😂😍)
If you liked it, leave a like to deliver content more often!
Thank you very much 🙌

Nico Limitless
El limite es el ataud, el cielo, solo el comienzo
the limit is the coffin and the sky, just the beginning



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Hola Bjorn

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GREETZ from Holland

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