Saludos, mis amigos de #hivepets. Los días han pasado volando y no había podido compartir por esta linda casa. Les cuento que ya Maga está bien, le cumplí el tratamiento al pie de la letra y ya me siento tranquila porque la veo animada y con buen apetito como siempre.Greetings, my #hivepets friends. The days have flown by and I had not been able to share in this beautiful house. I tell you that Maga is doing well, I followed the treatment to the letter and I feel calm because I see her lively and with good appetite as always.

En mi última publicación, les comenté que por fin pude llevar a Bruno y a Blacky a las jornadas de esterilización canina. Desde antes de la cuarentena, ya había planificado hacerlo, pero todo había quedado suspendido hasta ahora.
In my last post, I told you that I was finally able to take Bruno and Blacky to the dog spay days. Since before the quarantine, I had already planned to do it, but everything had been suspended until now.
Estas jornadas no son gratuitas, tienen un costo de $15 por cada canino, pero son más accesibles que las que ofrecen los privados con un costo de más de $50, no dudo que eso cueste, pero en medio de una crisis económica como la que vivimos los venezolanos, hay que buscar opciones más al alcance de la mano.
These days are not free, they have a cost of $15 for each canine, but they are more accessible than those offered by the private ones with a cost of more than $50, I do not doubt that it costs, but in the midst of an economic crisis like the one we Venezuelans are living, we have to look for options more within reach.
Así que era una oportunidad única que no podía desaprovechar, pues no se sabe cuando la vuelvan ofrecer por las limitaciones de la cuarentena y otros problemas como la gasolina que hace falta para trasladar al personal que no es de la ciudad.
So it was a unique opportunity that I could not miss, because it is not known when it will be offered again due to the limitations of the quarantine and other problems such as the gasoline that is needed to transport the personnel that is not from the city.
Esterilizar y castrar a nuestras mascotas es una muestra de nuestra responsabilidad, compromiso y amor por ellos, porque hacerlo les previene muchas enfermedades. En el caso de las hembras, infecciones urinarias y tumores uterinos o de mamas; y en el caso de los machos, evita enfermedades de la próstata y otras como tumores cancerígenos.
Spaying and neutering our pets is a sign of our responsibility, commitment and love for them, because doing so prevents them from many diseases. In the case of females, urinary infections and uterine or breast tumors; and in the case of males, it prevents prostate and other diseases such as cancerous tumors.
A Maga la esterilizamos pocos meses después de su único parto en una jornada con la misma fundación hace casi cinco años.
We spayed Maga a few months after her only birth in a journey with the same foundation almost five years ago.

Now, it was the turn of the males. Before taking them to the day, we took them to the dog groomer's to have their hair cut, so they would be clean and the treatments would be easier. The attention at the place was very good, they were received with love to avoid the stress of feeling alone in a new place for them.

In the afternoon of the same day, my daughter and I took them to be castrated. As in every day, we had to wait a few hours, everything was more or less organized and respecting the biosecurity measures. We kept our social distance and, of course, we wore our mouth masks all the time.

Les confieso que, inevitablemente, sentí temores cuando se los llevaron a operar, pero me mantuve tranquila y confiada en que todo iba a salir bien. Y, así fue, todo salió bien. Ya en la noche estaban recuperados de la anestesia y comieron un poco.
I confess that, inevitably, I was afraid when they were taken to surgery, but I remained calm and confident that everything was going to be fine. And so it did, everything went well. By the evening they had recovered from the anesthesia and ate a little.
La recuperación de Bruno fue inmediata, pero la de Blacky tardó un poco, la herida no cicatrizó a los tres días como la de Brunito. Todavía, hoy, quince días después, le sigo poniendo una crema cicatrizante y casi está cerrada. Lo he tenido todo el tiempo a mi lado para evitar que se molestara la herida porque no toleró el collar isabelino que le hicimos.
Bruno's recovery was immediate, but Blacky's took a while, the wound did not heal after three days as Brunito's did. Even today, fifteen days later, I still put a healing cream on it and it is almost closed. I have kept him next to me all the time to avoid bothering the wound because he did not tolerate the Elizabethan collar we made for him.

Ya los tres están esterilizados, gracias a Dios. Esta era una de las preocupaciones que tenía en mi vida como mamá de estos peludos que adoro. Así están los tres felices y atendidos en su hogar.
All three are already sterilized, thank God. This was one of the worries I had in my life as a mother of these furry dogs that I adore. They are all three happy and cared for in their home.
Todo el contenido de esta publicación es contenido original y trabajo creativo personal. La foto de portada, los separadores y banners son mis diseños en Canva.
All content in this publication is original content and personal creative work. The cover photo, dividers and banners are my designs on Canva.
@darsico u voted for stolen content. please stop and review yout voting. thanks
Thank you for taking care of your pet, you are a responsible owner💗