The cat who did not like walking in boots and on a leash ))) / En - Ua

in Hive Pets4 years ago (edited)


😺 in boots did not want to walk on a leash. Such sudden changes in his life must have been stressful for him!
This was the case when we moved again from the city and the village for the summer. Let me remind you that our cat EdGray was born in the village and lived here for up to 6 months. And then we moved with him to our apartment in the city and he did not go for a walk for the next six months. And then came the moment when it was necessary to decide - how will he live on?

😺 у чоботях не хотів гуляти на повідку. Такі раптові зміни в його житті мабуть були стресом для нього!
Так було тоді, коли ми знову переїхали з міста в село на літній період. Нагадаю, що наш кіт ЕдГрей народився в селі і тут жив до 6 місяців. А потім ми переїхали з ним в нашу квартиру в місті і він не ходив гуляти протягом шести наступних місяців. І ось наступив момент, коли потрібно було вирішувати - як він буде жити далі?



After all, he was our home kitty, and now in the village he will meet his mother, father and grandfather again. And they eat mice, and they teach him to catch mice again! - these are the horrible thoughts my children had)))
And they were afraid that he would walk everywhere and his feet would be dirty. And so they firmly decided that their cat would walk with them on a leash and in boots. And in a coat, so that ticks do not cling to it in the woods.

Адже він був нашою домашньою кицею, а тепер в селі він знову зустріне свою маму, тата та діда. А вони їдять мишей, і вони навчать його знову ловити мишей! - ось такі жахливі думки були в моїх дітей )))
А ще вони боялись, що він буде гуляти всюди і його лапки будуть брудними. І тому вони твердо вирішили, що їх кіт буде гуляти з ними на повідку і в чоботях. А ще в пальто, щоб на нього не причепились кліщі в лісі.



And then came the moment when we went on our first walk in the woods.
But what is it! The cat did not want to walk on a leash. He did not want to go at all, but wanted to go home :)
And then he ran to me near the forest and where do you think he climbed? Ha ha ha! Under me!
There he was very cozy and calm :)

І ось наступила мить, коли ми пішли на нашу першу прогулянку в ліс.
Але що це! Кіт не хотів гуляти на поводку. Він взагалі не хотів іти, а хотів назад додому :)
А потім біля лісу він побіг до мене і як ви думаєте - куди він заліз ? Ха ха ха! Під мене :)
Там йому було дуже затишно і спокійно 😀




Later the cat went to a big pine tree and sat there for a long time with me :)
I wonder what the cat was thinking?
Apparently: why did people attach these strange things to me? After all, I'm a cat and I love to walk on my own!

Пізніше кіт пішов до великої сосни і сидів там довго разом зі мною :)
Цікаво про що думав кіт?
Мабуть: навіщо люди начепили на мене ці дивні речі? Адже я кіт і люблю гуляти сам по собі!




And how did this strange experiment end? The cat won)))
We smeared him with a tick repellent and he walks with his cat company at night. And recently he brought us a mouse in the house - a trophy for his owners :)

І чим закінчився цей дивний експеримент? Кіт переміг )))
Ми намазали йрго засобом від кліщів і він гуляє зі своєю котячою компанією вночі. А нещодавно він приніс нам в хату мишу - трофей для своїх господарів :)


Thank you for your visit 😊


Красунчик!)))) Нам наш кіт нещодавно теж приніс подаруночок!))) Такі вони - наші коти!)

Невже мишку ? :)

Нііііі 😁 половинку горобця 😁

Cat also like free of leg

Now I know )))

How cute the cat with his boots, but I imagine he felt strange not being able to feel the ground, maybe that's why he didn't want to walk. Although, depending on the temperature, he just wanted to lie down for a while. Very nice pictures.

In fact, from the very beginning I told my children that a cat does not want to walk in boots. But it was funny experience)

Omg 😂 I’ve never ever ever seen a cat on a lead before

I saw once )))
It looks like a cat - a dog)

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Thank you so much 😊

Well your cat all dressed up is the cutest thing! Adorable threads for an adorable cat.

Thanks for sharing your fun story and cute pictures. I’m surprised he didn’t freak out and frantically flail about trying to remove the boots. I would think it would cause a similar level of discomfort to their paws as a piece of tape or so. (If you’ve never seen that it’s pretty sad how much they hate it)

I have put my cat on a least a few times. I can’t really walk her where I want to go but I can follow her around alright. She definitely prefers to just wander around though too. Thankfully I don’t have ticks where I’m at!

Oh, it's lucky that you @bdubwim don't have ticks where you live! In our yard in the village, where we moved to live in the summer, live two older cats and they have a lot of ticks on their bodies all the time. That's why we were worried! But I understood from the beginning that later the children will get used to it and will let our cat go for a walk on their own. We did antiparasitic prophylaxis for him and everything is ok :) Thank you for the comment.