Meet my beautiful Dana/ By. @oli1965/🐶❤️🐶

in Hive Pets3 years ago

My beautiful Dana pequeñita


Hola querida comunidad, espero se encuentran bien, les deseo abundantes bendiciones. Es la primera vez que escribo en esta comunidad y lo haré haciendo la presentación de mi hermosa mascota Mi bella Dana. Ella es una perrita criolla jejeje osea no es de raza jaja. Mi hermano me llamo y me dijo que su mascota llamada Vaca le coloco ese nombre porque les mostrare porque se llama así jeje, había parido varios perritos que si quería uno. Yo al principio le dije con sinceridad que no porque no era de raza jeje, pero después que me mando unas fotos le dije siiiiii yo quiero una y al llegar a casa nos enamoro a todos.
Hello dear community, I hope you are well, I wish you abundant blessings. It is the first time I write in this community and I will do it by making the presentation of my beautiful pet My beautiful Dana. She is a Creole dog hehehehe osea is not of race haha. My brother called me and told me that his pet called Vaca, he gave her that name because I will show you why she is called that way hehehe, she had given birth to several puppies and he wanted one. At the beginning I told him sincerely that I didn't want one because it wasn't a breed hehe, but after he sent me some pictures I told him siiiiii I want one and when I got home we all fell in love.

Dana with her mom Vaca hehe.

La tenemos desde los tres meses de nacida ya destetada, es una hermosura y muy cariñosa. Al principio no sabíamos como alimentarla pues la destetaron pero el veterinario nos dijo que la alimentáramos con perrarina para perros de 3 a 6 meses y que le colocáramos un poco de agua para que se le pueda ir diluyendo en la boca y ella poco a poco pueda masticarla. Dana es super tremenda pero nosotros la amamos, es como un miembro mas de la familia, donde vamos la llevamos, por lo pequeña se porta bien jejeje ya después de unos meses mueble que veía se lo comía jajaja, eso no me gustaba mucho pero la fuimos enseñando.
We have had her since she was three months old and already weaned, she is beautiful and very affectionate. At the beginning we did not know how to feed her because she was weaned but the vet told us to feed her with dog food for dogs from 3 to 6 months old and to put some water in her mouth so that it can be diluted in her mouth and she can chew it little by little. Dana is super tremendous but we love her, she is like a member of the family, wherever we go we take her, because she is so small she behaves well hehehehe and after a few months she would eat any piece of furniture she saw hahaha, I didn't like that very much but we were teaching her.

Here mounted on our pouf hehe. A real saint haha


Dana es super cariñosa, celosa y demasiado traviesa, tiene unas ocurrencias únicas de ella. Yo tenia algo así como mis reservas porque pensaba que los perros de raza eran mejores, pero al tener a Dana de verdad me di cuenta que no importa la raza, lo mas importante es el amor que ellas te brindan sin esperar nada a cambio. Creo que los animales son los únicos a quienes el ser humano castiga y no guarda rencor, eso nos enseña Dana cada vez que le llamamos la atención por alguna tremendura.
Dana is super affectionate, jealous and very mischievous, she has a unique way of making things that is unique to her. I had some reservations because I thought that purebred dogs were better, but when I had Dana I realized that no matter the breed, the most important thing is the love they give you without expecting anything in return. I believe that animals are the only ones that humans punish and do not hold grudges, that is what Dana teaches us every time we call her attention for some terrible thing.


No le gusta bañarse jajaja ese momento para ella es terrible, comienza a temblar y a safarse, me imagino porque es como los gatos jajaja le tiene miedo al gua. Igual la bañamos con su jabón especial para mascotas, le tenemos un perfume y un cepillo exclusivo para ella y por ultimo le colocamos sus lazitos para diferenciarla de los machos. Ella se parece demasiado a la mama con su color de pelaje. Mis hijos la aman y obviamente yo también.
She doesn't like to take a bath hahaha that moment is terrible for her, she starts to tremble and shake, I guess because she is like cats hahaha she is afraid of the water. We still bathe her with her special soap for pets, we have a perfume and a brush exclusively for her and finally we put her little ribbons to differentiate her from the males. She looks too much like her mother with her coat color. My children love her and obviously so do I.

Bath time is fatal for Dana haha.

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Tener mascotas en casa es una responsabilidad, soy de las que piensa que ellos son como hijos con la diferencia que no los pariste, pero sienten, les da hambre, hay que bañarlos y educarlos. Para tenerlos tienes que amarlos, si no sientes eso no los tengas porque ellos sienten todo lo que a sus dueños les pasa. Una vez me enferme, estuve en cama no me podía parar por el malestar y fue mi Dana quien despertó a mi hijo con sus ladridos y lo llevo hasta mi cuarto. Así como esta, otras anécdotas vividas con nuestra mascota que nos hace reír con sus ocurrencias.
Having pets at home is a responsibility, I am one of those who think that they are like children with the difference that you did not give birth to them, but they feel, they get hungry, you have to bathe them and educate them. To have them you have to love them, if you don't feel that, don't have them because they feel everything that happens to their owners. Once I got sick, I was in bed, I couldn't stand up because I felt sick and it was my Dana who woke my son up with her barking and took him to my room. Just like this, other anecdotes lived with our pets that make us laugh with their witticisms.
Espero les guste mi publicación y ya saben amen y cuiden a sus mascotas, disfrútenlas porque en el momento que ellas decidan dejarnos, nos sentiremos satisfechos de haberlas cuidado. Hasta la próxima donde les presentare mas travesuras de mi hermosa Dana.
I hope you like my publication and you know love and take care of your pets, enjoy them because the moment they decide to leave us, we will feel satisfied for having taken care of them. Until next time I will present you more of my beautiful Dana's antics.

In one of her tremendous rides...riding on top of my daughter who spoils her very much.


Saludos y bendiciones para esta gran familia

Fotografías tomadas con mi telefono J2 Prime sansumg galaxy


Que hermosa tu mascota tan tierna, se parece a su mamá.

Hola amiga, dana es muy linda y ese color rojo le queda muy bien.

Hi @yannet80 we tried other color ribbons but they don't look good hehehe. Thanks for your comment. Blessings to you.

Thank you @nara61 siiiiii jejje just like the mom. and if you saw the father is the clone jajaja. Saludos and blessings.

Hermosa tú mascas tica yo tengo una que le puse por nombre blanquita, por ser blanquita como una mota de algodón y me llamo mucho la atención de esta comunidad, porque tiene que ver con animales y me gustaría publicar para mostrar mis mascotas, ya que desde niño me grada tener animales. Suerte y muchas felicidad.

Hi @jesucristo that's right .... I didn't know about this community where you can talk about your pets. I have Dana the one in this post, and Alex is also a dog without breed what we call Creole hahaha and he is bigger like a wolf hahaha that was given to us later you will read another post about him and what he does. I only like dogs as pets. Thanks for commenting. Blessings.