Remembering Cerebro [Eng / Esp]

in Hive Pets4 days ago

Remembering Cerebro. Greetings my dear pet lovers, especially cats. Today I come a little sad to tell you the story of my little black kitten Cerebro. You know that at home there are 6 kittens, three of them are siblings and two of them come from the street; of course their mother is Daniela. Of the 3 brothers, two are black, one called Pinky and the other Cerebro; this last one very seldom approached the street, since he was a little boy and when he grew up, the farthest he went was to the garden gate.

If they wanted to find Brain, he was always lying on our bed, also since he was a little boy; however, he was never alone because Zeus or his brother Pinky stayed by his side. He would run all over the house, play, ride on the TV table, hang on the curtains, but he would not go to the street and the time to sleep in our bed was exactly 12 noon, at that time he was sleeping.

Recordando a Cerebro. Saludos mi queridos amantes de las mascotas, en especial de los gatos. Hoy vengo un poco triste a contarles la historia de mi pequeño gatito negro Cerebro. Ustedes saben que en casa están 6 gatitos, tres de ellos son hermanos y dos provenientes de la calle; claro está su mamá es Daniela. De los 3 hermanos, dos son negritos, uno llamado Pinky y el otro Cerebro; este último muy pocas veces se acercaba a la calle, desde pequeño y ya grande, lo más lejos que llegaba era hasta el porton del jardin.

Si querían encontrar a cerebro, siempre estaba acostado en nuestra cama, también desde pequeño fue así; sin embargo, nunca estaba solo porque a su lado permanecía Zeus o su hermano Pinky. Corría por toda la casa, jugaba, se montaba en la mesa del televisor, se colgaba en las cortinas, pero no se iba para la calle y la hora de dormir en nuestra cama era justamente las 12 del mediodía, a esa hora estaba fijo durmiendo.

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As I said, he was always surrounded by Zeus or his brother; look for Brain, they would say in the house and he would just raise his head, turn around, look and go back to sleep; Brain would say, these people are annoying. When he was awake, he had the habit of peeking through the porch railing, I don't know what he was looking at because the gate was almost always closed. To differentiate Cerebro from his brother Pinky was easy, because Cerebro has two colored eyes, a blue eye and a yellow eye; also Cerebro has his little fingers complete; Pinky has 4 fingers in each front paw.

Como dije, siempre estaba rodeado de Zeus o de su hermano; busquen a cerebro decían en la casa y él solo levantaba su cabeza, volteaba, miraba y se volvía a dormir; diría Cerebro, esta gente si molesta. Cuando estaba despierto, tenía como costumbre asomarse por la reja del porche, no se que estaba viendo porque el portón estaba cerrado casi siempre. Para diferenciar a Cerebro de su hermano Pinky era facil, porque Cerebro tiene los ojos de dos colores, un ojo azul y otro amarillo; también Cerebro tiene sus deditos completos; Pinky tiene 4 dedos en cada pata delantera.







Cerebro and his brother Pinky began to go out at night to the street, they would get lost for a long time, but in the early morning they would both return. They had been going out that way for several nights, but they never spent a day on the street; but three days ago, they went out and only Pinky came back. It should be noted that Pinky never stayed in our room and since that day he came back alone, now he doesn't go out and stays asleep in our bed; apparently as if he was replacing his brother, or he must also feel sad for not seeing him and playing with him, because we have noticed that he cries a lot.

The thing is that Cerebro has not returned, we have looked for him and nothing is known about him, neither dead, nor alive we have found him. Now, what is strange to us is the change in Pinky's attitude, he no longer looks out of the garden; we think he was with his brother at that moment, we think he could have escaped from something, but Cerebro could not do it. We don't know what happened, but the sad thing is that he doesn't appear in any way, we miss him a lot and we have cried for him; Cerebro is too affectionate, playful and God willing we can locate him somehow or know what happened. We feel very sad and we miss you Brain, it has been many days already.

Ya Cerebro junto a su hermano Pinky empezaron a salir de noche a la calle, se perdían por bastante tiempo pero en la madrugada regresaban los dos. Ya tenían varias noches saliendo de esa forma; pero, no pasaban un día de calle; pero hace tres días atrás, salieron y solo Pinky regresó. Es de hacer notar que Pinky nunca permanecía en nuestro cuarto y desde ese día que regresó solo, ahora no sale a la calle y se queda dormido en nuestra cama; al parecer como reemplazando a su hermano, o se sentirá triste también por no verlo y jugar con él, porque si hemos notado que llora mucho.

La cuestión es que aun Cerebro no ha regresado, lo hemos buscado y nada se sabe de él, ni fallecido, ni vivo lo hemos encontrado. Ahora, lo que nos extraña es el cambio de actitud de Pinky, que ya no se asoma al jardin; creemos que él estaba junto a su hermano en ese momento, creemos que pudo escapar de algo, pero Cerebro no pudo hacerlo. No sabemos que fue lo que pasó, pero lo triste es que no aparece de ninguna forma, lo extrañamos mucho y lo hemos llorado; Cerebro es demasiado cariñoso, juguetón y Dios quiera que podamos localizarlo de alguna forma o saber que fue lo que pasó. Nos sentimos demasiado tristes y te extrañamos Cerebro, ya han pasado muchos días.




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