The reason why I am still alive and hopeful...

in Hive Pets8 months ago (edited)

Well, the reason that makes me happy, keeps me active, and motivated, and moreover, the reason that kept me alive so far is my lovely dog, Gigi. Gigi is not just a simple dog, she is an extraordinary dog who is always with me no matter where I am. I adopted Gigi when I was in Ukraine, during the pandemic corona time. When I posted her first day with me on the blockchain, a video; I remember I received so many comments, feedback, and support. To be honest many people know me because of my dog. Gigi carries a significant identity, I am now called "Gigi's Mom". Today I decided to share her story with you, her struggle, and why she is so special.

Gigi is a super active 3-year-old labrador. Those who own a labrador, know how much a lab can be active and Gigi is hyperactive. I wrote a lot of complaint posts before about Gigi's training. I couldn't train her properly when she was a puppy. Her first trainer was unable to give me training tips. Later, I found an amazing trainer who also spoke English but we couldn't complete the training because of the war in Ukraine. I remember Gigi only learned a few house behaviors and I learned how to hold her leash and a few other things. Gigi was only able to take 3-4 lessons.

No matter how naughty Gigi is or was, she was a puppy during wartime. But she was strong and often stayed beside me no matter what. We both had a challenging time when the Ukraine war broke out. I hardly was able to manage her because she was an untrained puppy and always very curious. We couldn't even go out for her walk and we both stayed together while hiding in the basement. She was scared at some point and never wanted to stay alone.


She was very calm during wartime when we were together in Ukraine and somehow she used to understand when there was any danger. The worst situation we both had was when we tried to flee from the Ukraine war. Gigi was not allowed in the train so basically she and I were sitting outside of the station in the cold. Like I said, she was not a properly outdoors-trained dog, so handling her was difficult. I was devastated when I was told to leave her behind to catch the train because Gigi is a big dog and takes a child's space. A lot of people from the animal shelter tried to convince me to give her to them but I was holding her in the severe cold and was constantly telling soldiers and people from the animal shelter that I never gonna leave her behind. Maybe for many people, she is just a dog but for me, she is a family, my companion. That trauma, that sadness I am still carrying now. I can understand the war situation and at that moment I saw fear and selfishness around me. That feeling still hurts. Even when we were trying to return home, all taxi people refused to take Gigi in their car.

I still can't believe I traveled all the way from Kharkiv Ukraine to the Poland border with Gigi, how I handled her I don't know. I can't even remember how many times she pulled me somewhere during our long journey. After arriving in Warsaw, Poland I noticed that Gigi got hurt on her head and it was bleeding. I was so nervous that I didn't know what to do but a kind person took Gigi to the vet and took care of her injury. Throughout the entire time, Gigi was never sad or scared, she was cheerful, happy, and always with me. In Poland, she finally had time to heal and all thanks to Jagoda (@asia-pl mother-in-law) who really took good care of Gigi.



After coming to the Netherlands, Gigi got sick suddenly. At first, she started losing tons of weight and became thin. She lost weight because of her diet change and I was not able to provide the food she used to eat. When we arrived in the Netherlands, she was 1 year and a few months old. Her skinny body really scared me. Labradors get fat but my dog was not gaining any weight. Then one day at night, she started losing tremendous levels of blood and stopped eating. She was on her heat but also the amount of blood she was losing was not normal. I called the vet and they said it's serious. They suggested me to take her to the hospital as soon as possible. She had bacterial infection and inflammation and the vet gave her tons of medicines for 3 weeks. The vet also gave me an appointment for her spray process after 3 months. That phase when she lost a lot of blood, I cannot forget. She was so weak and sick all the time.

Gigi has some allergies and a very sensitive stomach. Moreover, she takes a long time to recover if she gets sick. Only I know how many times I had to go to the vet for Gigi's recovery. I only wrote one problem but there are many allergenic problems she has. After the spray, finally she started gaining weight and now she is healthy. Gigi is now 3 years old, become an adult dog who loves food and loves to walk outside.

After coming to the Netherlands, I took Gigi to the trainer and taught her a few things so that I could handle her. Gigi is a friendly dog and she loves people. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand that not everyone loves dogs. I couldn't teach Gigi social skills and now, to be honest, I don't want to. I love her the way she is and I guess because of her, a part of me slowly recovering from trauma. I won't say Gigi is a therapy dog but she makes me smile and helps me to heal. My responsibilities towards her somehow keep me active and give me a purpose for tomorrow.



I had a lot of concerns about Gigi's behaviour but now I accepted the way she is. She learned a little bit about how to respect the leash and not to pull me in exchange for tons of treats. She still pulls me if she gets a chance, she still chases birds and loves to jump on people if someone gives her attention. She is a well-behaved dog in the house now and she knows her limits even though sometimes she can't control her zoomies.

She is growing up fast and so far she is healthy. She has a nice temper and never barks at people except other dogs. She is not an aggressive dog in fact she is a happy dog and always spreads love. Those who know her, love her the way she is.


Her before and after, look how skinny she was...


I can't believe how fast she is growing, it feels like she was one year old yesterday. I spoil her a lot with treats and toys.

I try to cherish every moment with her because I know her life is small. I wanna fill her life with joy and happiness and I try my best to give her everything she needs. She is the only one who stayed beside me like a shadow and followed me almost everywhere and never ran away.

Gigi is the only purpose and reason of my life, that's why I am still alive during my depression...

By the way, Gigi's long pink leash was given by Anna (@bulldog-joy) and it's the best leash...



I am @priyanarc.... An architect, a dreamer, and a passionate writer who loves to write about life. I try to present my own perspective and experiences. Please leave your feedback and criticism because it's the only way I can know and reach your mind and thoughts easily...

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She's beautiful and such a big emotional help after having to escape Ukraine.

I always heard stories of dogs. I made the best decision 3 years ago when I adopted her. You are right, she is a big emotional support and she is a very special dog. Maybe she is not a super obedient and well-behaved dog but what I love about her the most is that she is a happy dog...

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post, have a nice week... 🙏

She is healing your soul, dear. You take care of each other. ❤️

Yes, she always fills my heart with joy, she is the best. 😍

Wow, so lovely your dog. I miss my dog from my childhood; I used to play a lot on the grass with him.

I used to play a lot on the grass with him

This is one thing I used to do when she was a puppy. Now she only loves to swim and she is a broken lab who doesn't retrieve anything 😂

Do you have any pet now?

Unfortunately, in the place I’m living, we are not allowed to keep pets 😥

That's really sad but understandable...

I'm one of those people who don't like dogs, but I know dogs can bring a lot of happiness and comfort to their owners, and Gigi is the perfect example of this. I'm glad she is doing so well now and is with you all this time. We'll done Gigi!

Yea, you wrote once in one post that you are not a dog person but you don't mind being around them. Gigi just needs some social training now to be around people. I can't afford a personal training session in the Netherlands now so when I am better, I am gonna train her how to behave in the crowd and with people. She is a quick learner and I hope one day you will see Gigi in person. Gigi is really a nice character that brings joy and happiness in anyone's life. I feel grateful that I have her in my life and she is the one who actually helps me the most when I go through emotional moments.

We'll done Gigi

I guess now she deserves more treats...

Thank you Pauline...

Real friends never abandon each other. Gigi's love corresponds to her affection.

Gigi really has a friendly presence in the pictures, I hope you have a restful week.
Take care.

Real friends never abandon each other. Gigi's love corresponds to her affection.

Exactly and she is actually very affectionate to humans. Her friendly attitude always leaves a question to me, she might be not a loyal dog 🤣, but she might go to anyone and anywhere alone...

Gigi really has a friendly presence in the pictures

Yes, she is actually like this in real life and super happy active dog. It was difficult to take her photos because she doesn't like cameras, I had to bribe her for these photos...😅

Thanks my friend for being so supportive always...

Gigi is beautiful, how nice that you have him every day by your side lived good times. He looks a lot like my dog Yira 😊

Yira is so beautiful especially her eyes are sharp and expressive. How old is she? My dog is also a female dog like Yira... Give my love to Yira...

She's gorgeous and I think pets are so important for people with mental health issues and even people who don't have can benefit from having a pet around to take care of and share love with. They can bring peace to the soul.
They say that animal's personalities reflect their owner's. Gigi's personality is gentle, sweet, intelligent and fun...

Hope the week and your sessions are going well.

Take care always :-)

Gigi is that dog who is full of joy and happiness and she spreads her happiness everywhere. I often wonder how I got her, because she is such a sweetheart. In the beginning, I was having difficulties with her but now I know her...

very emotional story and you should not depress yourself, sister. I hope everything will be fine.

Sorry If I am asking a personal question but why don't you visit your family? (Mom Dad or other relatives)

I mean it can help you to come out of depression

why don't you visit your family? (Mom Dad or other relatives)

My mom is no more in this world and I don't have any connection with Dad. My sister lives in another country and because I am a refugee, I am not allowed to visit countries outside of the EU. I can visit them but I won't be welcome to the country/eu where I am now except Ukraine. It's complicated and I don't have any connection with the relatives as well...

I mean it can help you to come out of depression

I know but unfortunately, my situation is different now...

Thanks, brother for your concern and time, I really appreciate it...

I am sorry to hear this. Please stay safe. 👍

Thanks, bro, I am doing much better now...

your welcome sis and I am happy to hear this 🙂

que bella, es muy linda de verdad Dios la cuide!

how beautiful she is, she is very cute indeed God take care of her!

She is a beautiful soul with a happy and kind heart, I try my best to take good care of her...

Thank you so much for such positive words...

What a great canine, when I was in the city of bogotá (colombia). I used to see a lot of this kind of animals and I was very happy to see the size and the fur they have, besides being very playful.

Yes, they are very friendly and playful, especially golden retrievers and labrador retriever breeds. My dog is actually very playful even though she is so active dog. Not to mention, she can be naughty too...

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post...

Aw the lovely Gigi. She looks so well. It is a testament to you that she looks so happy. There's no way I would have given my dog up either, but it must have been a horrible situation to be in. Labradors are the best!

PS Well trained dogs are boring. Give me a mischievous dog any day. 🙂🐕

it must have been a horrible situation to be in

I can't even imagine giving her to a shelter because I am capable of taking care of her. I often feel sad seeing when beautiful dogs and cats end up in a shelter just because their owners decided to migrate or don't want them. When I adopted her, I took an oath that I would take care of her during her life and I hope I will do that...

Well trained dogs are boring. Give me a mischievous dog any day

You are well aware of labs so if I ever visit the UK, definitely gonna bring Gigi to you 😅

Ha ha! Dogs know who are a soft touch. I got back from a walk earlier covered in paw prints, and I don’t even have a blooming dog. 😄

🤣 Hahaha... Muddy days are coming soon...

Gigi is a beautiful dog. I remember you telling us about the crowded train trip with her sitting on your lap. I am so glad you held your ground and made sure she stayed with you. I'm glad you are both doing well in your new home. Take care.

I remember you telling us about the crowded train trip with her sitting on your lap

You remembered and trust me, this made me cry because that was an emotional part of my life. Darn, she was so small at that time and now she is so big and heavy that I can't take her on my lap. But she consider herself puppy still and never forget to sit on me, most of the time on my chest 😁

Thank you so much for such a thoughtful comment, she is doing well and healthy and I am glad and grateful that she is with me...

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