Pido disculpas si este Post incomoda a alguien, no es nuestra intencion de ninguna manera, simplemente queriamos agradecer a todos los que estan pendiente de nuestra Cobaya y mostrar que si existe alternativa, siempre hay una opcion para proteger a nuestras mascotas. Nunca se rindan.
I apologize if this Post makes anyone uncomfortable, it is not our intention in any way, we simply want to thank all those who are aware of our Guinea Pig and show that if there is an alternative, there is always an option to protect our pets. Never give up.
Esta mañana tuvimos que llevar a nuestro pequeño Cuy al veterinario debido a problemas respiratorios, debo decir que no es la primera vez que esto pasa hace aproximadamente año y medio tambien tuvimos que llevarlo, Y es que las Cobayas son muy propensas a sufrir infecciones respiratorias debido a temperaturas bajas como las que estamos viviendo estos dias en nuestro pais debido a las fuertes y constantes lluvias. Dicho todo eso, aparte de la situacion de salud de nuestro emperador, quiero es compartirles y publicitarles en cierta manera la Clinica Veterinaria EL PINAR, ubicada en la ciudad de Caracas.
This morning we had to take our little guinea pig to the vet due to respiratory problems, I must say that it is not the first time that this happens about a year and a half ago, we also had to take him, and it is that guinea pigs are very prone to respiratory infections due to at low temperatures like the ones we are experiencing these days in our country due to the strong and constant rains. Having said all that, apart from the health situation of our emperor, I want to share and publicize the EL PINAR Veterinary Clinic, located in the city of Caracas, in a certain way.
La historia es la siguiente, la mañana del miercoles nuestro pequeño emperador amaneció un poco decaido, ya sabiamos que era producto de las bajas temperaturas y que esa era la razon por la que no queria comer la cantidad habitual y se mantenia en los sitios calidos de su pequeño imperio. Anteriormete nos habian recomendado que cuando eso pasara debiamos mantenerlo tibio y en un lugar oscuro, sumado a eso se le debia dar una dosis del compomente vitaminico y esperar a ver como evolucionaba.El dia jueves gracias a dios no llovió tanto y las temperaturas subieron un poco y ya Cucho se veia mas alegre y comia mucho mas.
The story is the following, on Wednesday morning our little emperor woke up a little down, we already knew that it was a product of the low temperatures and that was the reason why he did not want to eat the usual amount and stayed in the warm places of his little empire. They had previously recommended that when that happened we should keep it warm and in a dark place, in addition to that, they should give it a dose of the vitamin component and wait to see how it evolved. On Thursday, thank God it did not rain so much and the temperatures rose a little and already Cucho looked happier and ate much more.
Lamentandolo mucho para la tarde de ese mismo jueves volvió a llover de una manera brutal, haciendo que las temperaturas bajaran demasiado, esa noche pudimos escuchar a Cucho toser un par de veces y decidimos que lo mejor era llevarlo a revisar. Asi que hoy viernes sin pensarlo dos veces ya teniamos 3 veterinarias para visitar a ver si aceptaban a nuestro pequeño Cuy, he de decir que las Cobayas entran en la categoria de animales exoticos y no los atienden en cualquier Clinica veterinaria y es por eso que me gustaria que se reconociera a la Clinica Veterinaria EL PINAR en Caracas.
Regretting it very much for the afternoon of that same Thursday, it rained again in a brutal way, causing the temperatures to drop too low, that night we could hear Cucho cough a couple of times and we decided that the best thing was to take him to check. So today Friday without thinking twice we already had 3 veterinarians to visit to see if they accepted our little Guinea Pig, I have to say that Guinea Pigs fall into the category of exotic animals and they are not treated in any veterinary clinic and that is why I would like the EL PINAR Veterinary Clinic in Caracas to be recognized.
Por dentro es una clinica muy sencilla, con los recursos minimos necesarios digamos y he de decir que no son especializados en animales exoticos y a pesar de eso fueron muy atentos y muy considerados en aceptar a cucho. Y es por esto que quiero hacerles mension, de las 3 que teniamos en mente una sola sabiamos a ciencia cierta que era especializada en animales exoticos y las otras dos incluyendo esta no las conociamos.
Inside it is a very simple clinic, with the minimum necessary resources, let's say and I have to say that they are not specialized in exotic animals and despite that they were very attentive and very considerate in accepting cucho. And that is why I want to mention to you, of the 3 that we had in mind, only one we knew for sure that it was specialized in exotic animals and the other two, including this one, we did not know.
Nos hacen pasar, revisan a Cucho de pies a cabeza, escuchan su corazon y sus pulmones y realizan todos sus examenes rutinarios y efectivamente como ya esperabamos, nuestro emperador está resfriado debido a las bajas temperaturas y demas, inmediatamente y sin pensarlo la doctora va y le pone una inyeccion y empieza a redactar sus tratamientos y demas.
They make us come in, they check Cucho from head to toe, listen to his heart and lungs and perform all his routine examinations and effectively as we expected, our emperor has a cold due to low temperatures and others, immediately and without thinking the doctor goes and He gives him an injection and begins to write his treatments and so on.
Esta parte me gustaria tocarla, en la primera clinica nos rechazaron porque no atendian animales exoticos, me reservo el nombre por respeto tambie fueron muy amables y respetuosos con nosotros. Esta que fué la segunda que visitamos nos costó 6$ la consulta incluyendo la inyeccion y en los medicamentos que teniamos que comprar se gsataron unos 20$ mas aproximadamente. En la ultima opcion que si sabiamos que eran especializados, la consulta SOLA costaba 25$, fué a la clinica que fuimos la primera vez que Cucho enfermó y lo digo abiertamente hacen absolutamente lo mismo y puedo asegurar que hasta nos hubiera conbrado la inyeccion. Que al fin y al cabo nuestra cobaya es parte de la vida y el dinero se vuelve irrelevante, pero no puedo imaginar a un padre que no tenga los recursos de un dia para otro y que tenga que llegar a casa y decirle a su hija "oye, lo siento no me la aceptaron en ninguna clinica y en la que si no puedo pagarlo".
I would like to touch this part, in the first clinic they rejected us because they did not take care of exotic animals, I reserve the name out of respect, they were also very kind and respectful with us. This, which was the second we visited, cost us $ 6 for the consultation including the injection and the drugs we had to buy cost about $ 20 more approximately. In the last option, if we knew that they were specialized, the ONLY consultation cost $ 25, he went to the clinic that we went to the first time that Cucho got sick and I openly say they do the same thing and I can assure that they would have even given us the injection. That at the end of the day our guinea pig is part of life and money becomes irrelevant, but I cannot imagine a father who does not have the resources from one day to the next and who has to come home and tell his daughter " hey, I'm sorry they didn't accept it in any clinic and I can't afford it ".
En resumen, Cucho ya tiene su medicina y está haciendo su tratamiento, mi compañera de aventuras y yo les agradecemos tambien a toda la comunidad de hive, porque gran parte del dinero generado en nuestros Post es reinvertido en ese tema en especifico mediante la creacion de fondos, entonces los Post que se han hecho del emperador iban a ser destinado para comprar materiales para construirle una casa nueva y con mas juguetes mas comodidades y de ahi salió el dinero para sus medicamentos, repito no es una gran cantidad, aunque en pais donde 25$ es un mercado para una semana pues recibir un golpe asi de un dia para otro es un gasto considerable. Asi que gracias a todos los que han apoyado los Post de Cucho nuestro emperador. Actualmente está mejorando y de vacaciones en su cajita de viaje que es mas tibia para que se recupere mas rapido.
In summary, Cucho already has his medicine and is doing his treatment, my adventure companion and I also thank the entire hive community, because a large part of the money generated in our Post is reinvested in that specific issue through the creation of funds, then the Post that have been made of the emperor were going to be destined to buy materials to build him a new house and with more toys more comforts and from there came the money for his medicines, I repeat it is not a large amount, although in a country where $ 25 is a market for a week, since receiving such a blow overnight is a considerable expense. So thanks to all who have supported the Cucho our emperor's Post. She is currently improving and on vacation in her warmer travel box so she can recover faster.
Entonces para terminar a modo de informacion y de resumen, Clinica Veterinaria EL PINAR S.R.L tienen una atencion extremadamente buena, un excelente precio en la foto quedan sus datos para cuando ni dios lo quiera se les llega a presentar una emergencia como la que se nos presentó a nosotros, puedan ir y puedan ser atendidos con humuldad, profesionalismo y mucho amor por los animales. Ahi tienen bastante claro que importa salvar al animal antes que matar al dueño con las facturas.
So to finish by way of information and summary, Clinica Veterinaria EL PINAR SRL has an extremely good service, an excellent price in the photo is your data for when God wants it, they come to present an emergency like the one we were presented with. to us, they can go and they can be cared for with humility, professionalism and a lot of love for animals. There they are quite clear that it is important to save the animal rather than kill the owner with the bills.
Esto debió ser subido ayer en la noche, hoy ya es madrugada del sabado, no fué subido a que las lluvias están retrasando las conexiones de internet y no se logró subir, por eso notarán conflictos de tiempo en la redaccion, ejemplo: "hoy fuimos" refiriendome a ayer viernes.
This should have been uploaded last night, today is Saturday morning, it was not uploaded because the rains are delaying internet connections and it was not possible to upload, so you will notice time conflicts in the writing, example: "today we were" referring to yesterday Friday.
Today is not a good morning, Our little guinea pig died a few minutes ago.
They may not see activity for a few days, we will try to remember him as the great emperor he was, now his kingdom is different and he will surely have better servants. It was the best pet we could have.
Lamento muchísimo saber eso! Menos mal leí el comentario antes de decir alguna imprudencia.
Gracias por las recomendaciones puestas en este post y mucha fuerza. Un abrazo virtual.
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