Anécdotas de la Adopción de Mis Gatos ❤️ / Anecdotes from Adopting My Cats ❤️

in Hive Pets3 years ago


Loki y Thor

Hola a todos espero se encuentren bien y tengan una excelente semana, hoy les hablaré de mis dos amores gatunos "Loki y Thor". En mi post anterior les comenté un poco sobre ellos, ahora les diré como fué el proceso del hermoso momento en que llegaron a mi vida para hacerla aún más feliz. Hace 3 años y medio conocí a "Loki" 🐱 en casa de una amiga que es proteccionista de los animales y a su vez tiene una fundación llamada Paticasenlaarena en el estado Anzoategui Venezuela, donde acoge a los animalitos de la calle, los atiende y cuida. Ella rescató a Loki de la calle que lo habían botado por la carretera de boca de uchire-el hatillo, apenas siendo un bebe , junto con su hermana luna, en completo estado de desnutrición y deshidratacion, ella lo acogió y le dió calor de hogar.

Hello everyone, I hope you are well and have a great week, today I will tell you about my two cat lovers "Loki and Thor ". In my previous post I told you a little about them, now I will tell you how was the process of the beautiful moment when they came into my life to make it even happier. 3 and a half years ago I met "Loki" 🐱 at a friend's house who is an animal protectionist and has a foundation called Paticasenlaarena in the state of Anzoategui Venezuela, where she takes in animals from the street, takes care of them and takes care of them. She rescued Loki from the street who had been dumped on the road of boca de uchire-el hatillo, just being a baby, along with his sister luna, in a complete state of malnutrition and dehydration, she took him in and gave him the warmth of home.


Cuando fuí un día a su casa me encontré con ese gatito hermoso e inmediatamente me gustó, tuvimos una conexión única y sentí que mi corazon tuvo un fuerte latido por él. Lamentablemente yo en ese entonces no podía tenerlo puesto que no tenía un techo/casa estable que ofrecerle; y ella le estaba buscando un hogar y familia que lo pudiese tener lo más pronto posible.

When I went to her house one day I met this beautiful kitten and immediately liked him, we had a unique connection and I felt my heart had a strong beat for him. Unfortunately I couldn't have him at that time because I didn't have a stable roof/house to offer him; and she was looking for a home and family that could have him as soon as possible.


Al pasar 6 meses después yo me decía ésta frase "Si él es para mí, será mío y de nadie más", y asi sucedió señores; tuve mi casa y mi amiga aún lo tenía, ella por medio de su fundación lo castró y lo tenía en excelente condiciones 😁 lo adopté y lo llevé a su nuevo hogar con todas sus cosas.

After 6 months I was saying to myself "If he is for me, he will be mine and no one else's", and so it happened gentlemen; I had my house and my friend still had him, she had him neutered through her foundation and had him in excellent condition 😁 I adopted him and took him to his new home with all his things.


Su primer día en la casa fué super genial, yo pensaba que se iba a esconder o se iba a sentir atemorizado pero no, el se paseó por todos lados explorando donde estaba cada cosa. Me dí cuenta que él aún me recordaba porque siempre se dejó acariciar por mí y claro en las noches es cuando más activo se la pasa, puesto que juega y a veces tira uno que otro objeto.

His first day at home was super cool, I thought he was going to hide or feel scared but no, he wandered everywhere exploring where everything was. I realized that he still remembered me because he always let me pet him and of course in the evenings is when he is most active, he plays and sometimes throws an object or two.


Con "Thor" 🐱 que es mi otro gatito fué distinta su llegada, como les comenté en el post anterior el llegó a mi puerta en una madrugada; el maullido tan intenso y extraño me despertó y me hizo levantar porque pensé que a mi otro gato le sucedía algo como para maullar de esa manera. Pero no, no era él, cuando fuí a buscarlo estaba justo detrás de la puerta, me senté con él a hablarle y justo entonces escuché un maullido; abrí la puerta y ahí estaba una bolita de pelos con frío y unos ojitos asustados🥺.

With "Thor" 🐱 which is my other kitten, his arrival was different, as I told you in the previous post he came to my door in the early morning; the intense and strange meowing woke me up and made me get up because I thought that something was wrong with my other cat to meow like that. But no, it wasn't him, when I went to look for him he was right behind the door, I sat with him to talk to him and just then I heard a meow; I opened the door and there was a little ball of fur with cold and scared eyes🥺.


Me fuí acercando a él poco a poco pero no me dejó tocarlo, automáticamente me hizo un bufido de defenza "Gifs", al rato cuando le coloqué una cajita con una cobija, comida, agua fué que agarró un poquito de confianza y empezó a entrar más a la casa. Luego sentí temor por lo que podría hacerle mi otro gato ya que es mucho más grande, pero no pasó a mayores ellos sólo se lanzaban bufidos (todo un día entero).

I approached him little by little but he didn't let me touch him, he automatically gave me a defensive snort "Gifs", after a while when I put him a little box with a blanket, food and water he became a little more confident and started to come into the house. Then I was afraid of what my other cat could do to him since he is much bigger, but it didn't happen, they only snorted at each other (a whole day).


Luego se fueron acercando, conociéndose y a compartir; ya hoy en día duermen juntos y se la pasan jugando todo el tiempo. Thor ya es un integrante más en la familia, llegó a nuestra vida para hacernos más feliz. Siempre que están a mi lado empiezan a ronronear "parecen un motor", son muy aseados, cariñosos, muy receptivos y entienden cuando les hablo, son unos gatos muy felices.

Then they got closer, got to know each other and started to share; nowadays they sleep together and play all the time. Thor is already a member of our family, he came into our life to make us happier. Whenever they are next to me they start purring "they look like an engine", they are very neat, affectionate, very receptive and understand when I talk to them, they are very happy cats.


Es súper importante darle una buena alimentación tanto por su salud como por su pelaje, Yo en lo personal estoy de acuerdo con la castración, puesto que eso los ayuda a eliminar el riesgo de sufrir enfermedades, aumenta su esperanza de vida y también se evita que hayan camadas no deseadas y se encuentren en la calle llevando una mala vida.

It is very important to give them a good diet for their health as well as for their fur. I personally agree with castration, since it helps them to eliminate the risk of suffering diseases, increases their life expectancy and also avoids unwanted litters and prevents them from being in the street leading a bad life.


Su momento preferido del día, la hora de la comida


Proceso de la Castración

La compañía y el amor de un gato son terapéuticos, compartir mi vida con ellos hace que mi estrés disminuya y no sólo eso; también reducen la tristeza, soledad y ansiedad que uno posea. Es íncreible que ellos al ser tan independientes ayuden a mejorar nuestro estado de ánimo, como también ayudan a disminuir el sufrir de alergias; yo que tengo un niño de 3 años doy fé de ello, puesto que los niños que crecen junto a un gato desarrollan un sistema inmunológico más fuerte.

The company and love of a cat is therapeutic, sharing my life with them reduces my stress and not only that; they also reduce sadness, loneliness and anxiety that one may have. It is incredible that because they are so independent they help to improve our mood, as they also help to reduce the suffering of allergies; I have a 3 year old child and I can attest to this, since children who grow up with a cat develop a stronger immune system.


Su Compañero Fiel


"Son muchos los beneficios de tener un gato en la vida de uno, así que sino lo han comprobado que esperan para adoptar a uno y mejorar sus vidas 😉"


fuente de imagen

Las Red Social de la Fundación Paticasenlaarena

Facebook: paticasenlaarena
Instagram: paticasenlaarena


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Gracias a todos por llegar hasta aquí y leerme, espero les haya gustado la emocionante historia sobre mis gatos hermosos.

Thank you all for coming here and reading me, I hope you liked the exciting story about my beautiful cats.

Fotos tomadas por mí @raychelsilva Dispositivo Xiaomi RedMi 8A  Photos taken by me @raychelslva Device Xiaomi RedMi 8A.png


It's great you took these 2 cats in, you should tell your animal protectionist friend to create a account detailing their work for funding.

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May the Hive Power be with you!

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-01 - Winners List
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I love reading adoption stories, it's nice to see when people give a home to these helpless animals. Thanks for sharing the story in the community and welcome. In the community, interaction between all members is valued, I invite you to interact with other members through their publications. Welcome to Hive too, I hope your stay in this social network will be positive.

Hello, I am very glad that you liked the story of my beautiful cats. I really like animals and if possible I would help them all. If there were more people in the world doing their bit, there would be less helpless animals. I will be more often in the community to establish communication.

Congratulations @raychelsilva! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge 2022-01 - Winners List
Be ready for the next Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - February 1st 2022
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