Our pets and the Akashic Records

in Hive Pets2 years ago (edited)

In my house, there are 2 adults, 3 kids, 2 dogs, a puppy, a cat, a bearded dragon and a rabbit. We are a house of misfit animals that have become our family. One of our dogs has 3 legs, our puppy is more than half blind and questionably deaf though it's hard to say if it's her attention span or ability to fully block out something she's not feeling, our oldest dog is more human than dog as told by her old soul wink, our cat-she's a story unto herself, our bearded dragon has broken toes, our rabbit has a wilted ear ... We rescue our animal friends and somehow our lot of awesomeness has increased considerably over the last year and half. I say somehow, though my husband would say it's my fault <3


I write all of that to give a sense of the chaos that lives in our home. Did I mention that we homeschool our 3 kids too, and my husband and I work from home. So, our wild oasis is a full time sanctuary that houses all of us ... all day long.



Our newest member of our family, Maghra, named after a character on the the show See on Apple TV, is the Catahoula Leopard puppy. She is a full time 24 hour on your mind all day and still not truly house trained puppy. When we brought her home a month or two ago, all of the other pets had to adjust. I don't think it wasn't easy for any of them.

I'm going to digress for a minute. In the last 6 months I've graduated from a training in reading the Akashic Records for myself and others. The Akashic Records being the "Book of Life" the "Knowledge of everything", the Soul's travel journal from life to life, it's a dimension of pure information of everything. The work has been amazing and so profound. It has literally changed my life in many awesome ways ... however, I learned during my studies that you can go into the Akashic Records of animals too. With all of that said:

Before we adopted Maghra, after we already agreed to adopt her (we weren't able to see her or meet her beforehand as she was being transported to us from hours away). I decided to go into her records to meet her. It was awesome! I knew that she would be the goofiest dog I've ever met. I knew she would be friendly, kind, loving and again, goofy. Not like puppy goofy, but like never growing out of the puppy goofy stage goofy. I met with her in her records on a few occasions before I picked her up from transport.

She's so wonderfully goofy and loving and kind and amazing, but she has some issues with going to the bathroom outside and teething and possibly her hearing.


Since we've had her I've gone into her records a few times to help her understand that this is her home and she's safe here. I go in and I show her how to ask to go out outside. (This is on-going, I really need to go into her records more consistently, HA!) Actually when I go into her records I start with this is your home, you are safe here, and when I get to the part where I picture her asking to go outside, she basically says to me, "ONE THING AT A TIME!" so I take it slow.

So slow it is.

Meanwhile, since we brought Mahra into the house, our bunny (rather my oldest daughter's bunny) Inej - named after a character in the Six of Crowes Duology, had to get spayed and stopped using the litter completely afterward, what a mess it was.


My daughter asked me to go into Inej's records and ask her to use the litter, so I did. The first time I went into her records I showed her a mental picture of pooping in the litter, then got interrupted by my littlest so I closed her records. Suffice to say, nothing changed, poop everywhere. My daughter reminded me to go into her records again after a week of nothing working, so I did, and when I went in I started by asking her how she was feeling. Inej was showing me a bit of dizziness and uncertainty. I asked her why she was popping outside of the litterbox, she told me she didn't like where it was. She felt it was too open and she wanted it in the back corner of her area. I gave her some love and closed her records. I went down to my daughter's room and told her what I saw, and that's when I remembered that we opened up her area a bit so her litterbox actually WAS much more in the open than it had been (we wanted to give her more room to heal from the surgery) We moved all of her area the way I saw it in the records. The next day Inej was pooping in the litterbox! Not only that, she began to come up to me to hang with me while I was talking with my daughter. She had also told me that she liked my daughter's voice and wanted to hear more of it. So I encouraged my daughter to read to her a bit (who knows if she does or not). Now, I always talk to Inej when I go in there and I tell her about my day, speaking in an English accent, just for the practice.

I am amazed at how different all of my pets Akashic Records are. They all feel different, use different Claire-abilities to communicate and they all see the world so very differently. It's actually amazing. I'm so grateful to be able to go into their records and understand this extra element of communication that's available with our pets. It's really a gift to be able to listen to them in new and awesome ways <3

Jocelyn b.



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Awesome. the Akashic records have been on my curiosity list for a long time now.
what is up for Feb. 2027.. ??

The Akashic Records have been completely heart opening for me! It's amazing to explore the records and the perspectives you start to understand. February 2027 is a change in human design from the gate of planning to the gate of the sleeping phoenix. They talk about the change actually being midwives right now, so changes have begun to happen already. It's a complete paradigm shift that will be felt all around the world. we haven't changed gates since sometime in the 1600s. But it's not just human design that's talking about a coming shift, I've been seeing it in a lot of different spiritualities and teachings lately ...