I've only recently started to walk brenda in the morning because not a lot of people are out and I can train her recall because she's not great at it and I know she loves the treats I used to just walk her sometime during the day and it changed on the day, whether I felt up and ready to go in the morning or if I done it during the evening or the night but since i started doing it in the morning and she knows that means her favorite treats she just begs to go out.
I do a lot of photography so having a puppy that I can take out ( anxiety stops me going out alone) that I know is good with other dogs really helps me explore my passion as well as grow in my self and my photography. here are a few from today;
I love frenchies just because they are all so different yet so similar, they all have a funny little attitude, you can really see what they're thinking through their face, like you can tell when brens happy, worried, scared, tired whatever by her face. they are little attention hoggers and love to be babied, they're just so sweet
A lot of doggos aren't keen on frenchies because of not being able to red them because of their ears constantly up and no tail.
When we get home he always waits for me to push the door open because she's either lazy or waiting for me, I can't tell.