(Esp/Eng) Soy Abuela de 3 gatitos || I am Grandmother of 3 kittens

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hola queridos Hiver´s ❤️ | Hello dear Hiver´s ❤️


Hoy quiero contarles que mi gata tuvo unos lindos y tiernos gatitos, ella tiene ya un año y 3 meses de edad aproximadamente es una gata muy cariñosa, ella ya había estado embarazada hace unos 4 meses atrás más o menos tuvo sus gatitos y los mato, nos si fue que se sintió amenazada por las perras, o los gatos no se habían formado completamente, otra de las causas es que las madres primerizas sufren mucho estrés y eso las obliga a matar a sus crías.

Today I want to tell you that my cat had some cute and tender kittens, she is already one year and 3 months old approximately, she is a very affectionate cat, she had already been pregnant about 4 months ago more or less she had her kittens and she killed them, we don't know if she felt threatened by the bitches, or the cats were not completely formed, another cause is that new mothers suffer a lot of stress and that forces them to kill their offspring.


Sea cual sea la razón mi gata luego de eso buscaba sus gatitos y así un mes después más o menos volvió a quedar embarazada y el 20 de diciembre dio a luz a tres hermosos gatitos aun no le he puesto nombre pero ya cada uno tiene una familia que los recibirá.

Whatever the reason my cat was looking for kittens and so a month or so later she got pregnant again and on December 20th she gave birth to three beautiful kittens, I haven't named them yet but each one has a family that will receive them.


Ella pario entre dos paredes que están en mi casa es imposible entrar allí a ver los gatos allí fue donde tuvo a sus otros gatitos estábamos muy nerviosos por lo que pudiera pasarle a los gatitos sentíamos que los aplastaba.

She gave birth between two walls that are in my house, it is impossible to go in there to see the cats, that is where she had her other kittens, we were very nervous about what could happen to the kittens, we felt that she was crushing them.

El 30 de diciembre la perra se acercó a el callejón donde ella estaba, nosotros tratamos de dejarla atrás para que no estuviera cera de los gatos, la gata sintió que los estaba amenazando y los saco los metió en el closet de mi mama, un alivio que salieron del callejón, pero estaba desesperada iba a buscarlos tuve que mostrárselos muchas veces hasta que se dio cuenta que ya los gatos estaban en otro lugar.

On December 30 the dog approached the alley where she was, we tried to leave her behind so she wouldn't be near the cats, the cat felt she was threatening them and took them out and put them in my mom's closet, a relief that they left the alley, but she was desperate and went to look for them I had to show her many times until she realized that the cats were already in another place.


Ya ayer nos dimos cuenta de que ya estaba abriendo los ojitos y que bien porque eso quiero decir que los gatitos esta sanos.

Yesterday we realized that they were already opening their eyes and that's good because that means that the kittens are healthy.

Espero le saya gustado este post, espero luego poder hacer otro mostrándoles lo que han crecido.

I hope you liked this post, I hope to do another one showing you how much they have grown.



Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Separador: @cryptosharon



This is certainly a very nice experience, to see these kittens so small is very beautiful. I'm glad you had the opportunity to see your cat have kittens and that this time things worked out well for everyone.

yes I can definitely imagine them running all over the house, thanks for visiting my blog, a total relief I assure you.

So lovely ❤️❤️
