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RE: A little photo moment with Trueno José | Pets' life [En-Es]

in Hive Pets5 months ago

at least you must have tried twenty or more time

Yep, or moreeee! Lol. With them moving around too much as they are always excited when they are with their hoomans, it's really hard to get a decent photos, lol. Still that's what's make them really adorable no? And your baby doggo, what a handsome baby, I bet he is not a picky eater no? Hihi. Kisses for him 😘


No, he's not a picky eater at all. He is a very calm and affectionate dog. It's very very special. I thank God for the joy of being able to have him by my side. Thank you very much for your visit and for commenting!🥰