• Sooo... I've been away for a while but I have an excuse for that. The exam period is starting and I had to study a lot in order to get good grades.
But I have some good news.
• It is not so important as it is important that we have new dogs. My aunt decided to buy new dogs because she feels safer that way. Recently it happened that a thief entered her house and that is the biggest reason why she took the dogs.
• These are Dobermans. I personally prefer small puffy dogs as I have, but of course, they are not suitable for house keeping. Dobermans are intelligent, strong dogs known for their loyalty and protective instincts. They have an elegant appearance and sturdy character, making them a popular choice as working dogs as well as pets.
• I thought that my younger sister would be afraid of such dogs, but as you can see, she adores them. Also, I was worried that they would do something to her, but it turns out that this breed of dog loves small children, so they will protect her very well.
• Their names are Zeus and Duke. They are only 6 months old so they will grow a lot more. For now, they are still babies, but they will grow up quickly and look much more dangerous. :)

I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.
Good Luck on the exam! The dog looks huge but pretty, but surely it is high maintenance too. I hope that doggos get a lot of love too from your Aunt so.
Thank you very much! :)
que lindo, se ve amoroso jeje y mucha suerte en tus exámenes!
how cute, he looks adorable hehe and best of luck on your exams!
Yeah, he is! Thank you 🥰
I hope you did well on your exams!
Thanks for sharing the pics of your Aunt's dogs and your sister, I like them :)
I hope that too! Your welcome☺️