Dear animal-loving community, I am here again to tell you about the new friend we recently made and whose name excites us very much.
I always accompany my son to his drawing classes because they are far from home. When we arrive, my son stays; we greet everyone and Ringo is always the first to greet us. Then I go to visit a friend while it's time to go home, but this day was different. We learned that Ringo, the house dog was having a birthday but had been acting differently, even showing little appetite. Even when his owner gave him an early bath and took him for a walk there was something out of the ordinary about him.
His owners are a couple who have been married for more than 15 years and have no children so Ringo is like their spoiled son, they also noticed the change in Ringo's behavior so they decided to tell me how his birthday had gone.
Days before they had planned with the person who had given them the puppy a celebration and reunion for Ringo with his dad. This was due to the fact that months ago the dad had been moved to a farm and was no longer at home with them because the space where they live is very small and they had to give the dad to a friend, while those days Ringo's dad also looked sad as he was tired and without energy being very active.
In view of what was observed, they decided to reunite both of them and under the veterinarian's recommendations they would see each other again on their birthdays. It was also very hard for everyone to be separated but it was inevitable because of the space. On his birthday he was also sad and not very active which was noticed by all the students due to how friendly and playful Ringo usually is.
Despite the physical separation from his dad Ringo was a bit lonely because his doggy parents spend a lot of time outside the house and that affects them as well as changing their routine as they had done during these days including his birthday.
Obviously I am not a pet expert but we can infer that these sudden changes were affecting Ringo's emotional state resulting in different behaviors evident on his birthday.
At the end of the day, Ringo recovered by being in contact with his dad, after this family reunion we see him jumping and playing again while the youngsters are receiving drawing lessons. It is not easy to see pets in sad or sick states, that is why we must be aware of these sudden changes and find the possible cause to take care of them promptly.
Everyone in class is very happy that Ringo is back to his old self. He is part of the school group so he is always sniffing out the kids, being friendly, affectionate and making himself noticed with his games.
That's why I thought it was important as well as necessary to comment on Ringo's experience and his change in order to be aware that there could be other reasons in the case of your dogs. I invite you to comment if something similar has happened with your dogs at home.
All photos were taken by me from my Redmi Note 8 camera and edited in canva free version.

Es evidente que Ringo esta afectado por la separación ellos también sienten, el no sabe que hay falta de espacio el solo sabe que extraña su papa y lo esta demostrando con su tristeza, es tan lindo este perrito me da mucha tristeza ver que se sienta así.
Si, la verdad que estaba triste por ése me llamó la atención su comportamiento fuera de lo habitual. Sabía que algo pasaba y una de las razones para que estén en Estados emociones es la socialización que tienen con otros Canes y las personas. De seguro se sentía solo y todo le cambió de manera repentina. Gracias por leerme. Ringo es muy lindo y créeme que lo aman sus dueños. Ellos estaban también preocupados.
Hi @saylds12! How nice that the two of you were able to meet again and hopefully soon you will be able to organize another reunion for them. That way father and son get to see each other again and get used to sharing in a different way.Translated with
¡Hola @saylds12! Qué bueno que se hayan podido reencontrar y ojalá pronto puedan organizar otro reencuentro para ellos. Así padre e hijo se vuelven a ver y se acostumbran a compartir de otra manera.