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RE: The day the cat bit me / El día que me mordió el gato

in Hive Pets7 months ago

I respect your opinion but I do not agree with you on that. I am 64 years old and there have always been pets at home and we have never suffered an illness because of them. If you read the entire text of the post you will notice that the cat that attacked me is not my cssa, it is "semi-wild" and it did ynot cause me a disease that it was not a carrier of. microbes or bacteria but attacked me. That's different now.

Respeto su opinión pero no estoy de acuerdo con usted en eso.Tengo 64 años y en casa siempre ha habido mascotas y nunca hemos sufrido una enfermedad por su causa. Si lee completo el texto del post notará que el gato que me agredio no es de mi cssa, es "semi-salvaje" y no me produjo una enfermedad ñot ser portador de. microbios o bacterias sino que me atacó. Ya eso es diferente.