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RE: A Trip to the Fish Store

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Yeah I have three tanks one is the throwback tank of ugly ducklings and then there's the main breeding tank and I also have a separate tank for a different type of guppy but they keep eating their own babies lol. I put evergreen moss in there for the fry to hide in so hopefully I'll get more of those type to sell to the petstore. During the pandemic the fish store took off as everyone was locked down looking for hobbies.


I used a tube suctioning off water like a vaccuum to catch the baby guppies before mom or dad ate them lol I tried plants but just getting them out of the tank as quick as possible worked best for me.

That's a good strategy, for some reason the main breeding tank the parents don't really eat the fry of course it is a bit larger so maybe the extra room gives more hiding places for the fry.