Bad Days / Días Malos

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Today was a very sad day.
Yesterday morning my sister called me to tell me that a dog from the street that she had been feeding, arrived at the private one very hurt, with injuries that apparently another dog had given her. At that point I got in the car and drove to his house. When I arrived I saw that she already had the dog in a bucket with towels, I told her to put her in my car so we could go straight to the vet to check her out. My sister drove away and I went all the way to the vet with her to pet her. The vet told us that the dog was about to give birth and the wounds she had had not hurt any organs, I asked him what would happen if there was a dead puppy and he told me, that I should not worry, that at the moment of giving birth she was going to expel him. I left the vet calmly, thinking that the dog was delicate but would get better with time, we went to the pharmacy to buy medicine and then I took her home to put her to bed and make sure she was calm.

Hoy fue un día muy triste.
Ayer por la mañana mi hermana me marco para decirme que una perra de la calle a la que le había estado dando de comer, llego a la privada muy lastimada, con heridas que al parecer le había echo otro perro. En ese momento me subí al coche y me dirigí hacía su casa. Al llegar vi que ya tenía a la perrita en una cubeta con toallas, le dije que la subiera a mi coche para irnos directo con el veterinario a que la revisara. Mi hermana se fue manejando y yo me fui todo el trayecto a la veterinaria con ella para irla acariciando. El veterinario nos comento que la perrita ya estaba a punto de dar a luz y las heridas que tenía no habían llegado a lastimarle ningún organo, yo le pregunte que que pasaria si había algún perrito muerto y el me respondió, que no me preocupara, que en el momento de dar a luz lo iba a expulsar. Me fui tranquila de la veterinaria, pensando que la perra estaba delicada pero iba a mejorar con los días, pasamos a la farmacia a comprar medicamentos y después me la lleve a mi casa para acostarla en una cama y que estuviera tranquila.


She looked really bad, but I trusted what my vet told me. I couldn't sleep well and I woke up at five in the morning, at that moment I went down to see her and when I saw that she was still alive I stayed calm. My parents arrived in the morning to bring me a carrier, serum and a syringe to give him because he hadn't wanted to eat or drink water. All morning I was giving her serum, I took her for a while in the sun holding her because she wasn't walking and I tried to stop her in the garden to pee and she did, which was a relief. At noon I went to my yoga class and when I came back the dog was already dead. It was very painful, that day I didn't want to talk to anyone and the truth is that I kept crying, not because I was fond of her, but because I couldn't give her the life she deserved and she died in the worst way there is. I didn't know what to do with the body and in the end I appointed a mason to make a tomb for it in my garden, at least I would give it a decent burial.
Has something similar happened to you?
I would like to show you more photos of her, of Greta. but I was so sad that I decided to delete them and just keep that one, where she looks more awake.

Realmente la veía muy mal, pero confié en lo que me dijo mi veterinario. No pude dormir bien y me desperté a las cinco de la mañana, en ese momento baje a verla y cuando vi que seguía viva me quede tranquila. Llegaron mis papás por la mañana para traerme una transportadora, suero y una jeringa para dárselo porque no había querido comer ni tomar agua. Toda la mañana le estuve dando suero, la lleve un rato al sol cargándola porque no caminaba e intente pararla en el jardín para que hiciera pipi y si hizo, lo que fue un alivio. a medio día me fui a mi clase de yoga y cuando regrese la perrita ya estaba muerta. Fue muy doloroso, ese día no quise hablar con nadie y la verdad es que me la pase llorando, no por haberme encariñado con ella, si no, porque no le pude dar la vida que se merecía y murió de la peor manera que existe. No sabía que hacer con el cuerpo y al final le marque a un albañil para que le hiciera una tumba en mi jardín, por lo menos le daría un entierro digno.
¿a ustedes les ha pasado algo similar?
Me gustaría enseñarles más fotos de ella, de Greta. pero estaba tan triste que decidí borrarlas y solo guardar esa, en donde se ve más despierta.


This is very sad.
But I must say, that the vet obviously made a very bad judgement.
How s/he could not see issues when she died so soon is unprofessional. She should have stayed at the vets to be monitored.
But maybe the vet doesn't care too much for stray dogs? Have you got a lot of them?
Not enough money in it for the vet, I suppose.
It makes me very sad, that still so many people care so little for animals, but I'm glad you tried to help, that does give me hope.

That was another issue that made me very angry, minutes after he died, he called me, because in the morning I was calling him to tell him that I saw the dog very badly. Of course, when I answered him, I had a giant lump in my throat and I told him that since he hadn't told me how serious it was, how selfish it had been for me that I didn't take it well because of all the patients I had and that because I didn't love him get her babies out, she died and I loved her. Of course I won't go back with him and I get a huge stress in having to look for someone I can trust. It was all very sad and very frustrating, he had already brought her other dogs from the street and he had done an impeccable job, but with her he did everything wrong :(

It's all very sad!
Yes, it must be very frustrating!
I'm so sorry! 😟

God bless you for having a good heart for animals.

I wish there were more people who cared about them, maybe this problem would be much less

lamento eso😓, la vida de la calle es muy difícil para ellos, al menos tuviste la intención de ayudar.

Fue muy doloroso y créeme, me encantaría ayudar a más perros, pero en mi casa ya hay cuatro y la economía no me da. Si fuera fácil encontrarles casa, rescataría a todos, los curaría y los daría en adopción, pero se que perro que entre a mi casa, ahí se quedará.

Oye amiga lamento lo sucedido a la bella Greta. Es triste cuando estos amiguitos se van de nuestras vidas. Se parece mucho a la peritos que tenemos en casa llamada Laila. De hecho antes de la llegada de Laila, mi hija tenía una perrita llamada Bella, se encontraba muy bien, siempre jugaba con otro perro que tenemos llamado Sam. Un día enfermó, se recuperó muy lento, pero nuevamente volvió a enfermar se puso muy débil. Un día tuvimos que salir un momento a comprarle unas cosas y cuando regresamos la encontramos muerta, fue algo muy triste para nosotros, te entiendo, aún mi hija la llora. No queda más que recordarla en sus momentos alegres. Saludos bella.

Gracias Omar, también lamento lo de Sam. Perder a un perro u otro animal es muy doloroso. A veces me digo a mi misma que ya no quiero tener más perros porque es triste verlos volverse viejitos o enfermarse, pero ellos nos necesitan y nos agradecer con su vida el darles una buena vida por aquellos años que nos permiten estar a su lado. Que agradable escuchar que también les gustan los perros y que lindo que le inculcaron a tu hija el amor y respeto por estos, me imagino que tiene un corazón inmenso.

Si así es, mi hija es amante de los animales, de hecho, los dos perros y la gatita era de la calle y ella los acogió en casa.

poor greta :( this is what i fear the most in owning a dog. i hate to see them die. the pain is unbearable that you can only accept it but you will hurt each time you can remember.

thank you for taking good care of her, you have a good heart. i hope there's more people like you.

but you should try it :) you remember more the beautiful moments you spent with the dogs, than your own death and the most important thing is that you change the lives of the dogs you rescue from the street. If one day you decide to have a pet, tell me how it goes :)

oh, I forgot to say that I actually own one and several cats too. it's just that, whenever I think about losing them—it hurts so much. but I agree, we must cherish those lovely moments when they're still by our side. and that we have given them the life they deserve because they have given us unconditional love and support like no other. thanks for sharing this.

R.I.P. 🌈😢