Instead of bringing some miracle, even a small one, the New Year brought new problems.
Chocolate keeps getting sick. At the same time, the situation is very strange, because all its diseases are typical for a warmer season. I'll tell you a little about our story and maybe it will be useful to someone.
Chocolate got sick for the first time in early December. The diagnosis turned out to be unexpected - babesiosis. If you remember, this disease is transmitted by infected ticks. But at this time of the year there should be no more ticks! I think that global warming and constant temperature swings played a cruel joke with us, when frost is replaced by thaw and vice versa. Okay, everything happens. But I want to draw your attention to another point.
The symptoms of babesiosis take on strange forms. The usual increase in temperature and dark urine are no longer necessary. Although dark urine can still appear when the disease is severely advanced. Sluggy, apathy, lack of appetite. But these symptoms are typical for many other diseases! Therefore, I would advise you to take a test for babesiosis even in winter, if your dog's condition is different from usual. Unfortunately, an unpleasant surprise may await you 😳
So, we started treatment and by the end of December Chocolate was already feeling better.
But just before the New Year, she began to refuse food again. A visit to the veterinary clinic brought a shocking discovery. Dirofilariasis! This has already broken all my ideas about dog diseases and their seasonality. I'll remind you that mosquitoes are carriers of dirofilariasis. Mosquito in December! Are you kidding? But here I must say that if we never found the tick, then I saw the mosquito with my own eyes! I was still very surprised then - a mosquito in winter!
So, we had to start all from the beginning. Renal and liver tests were alarming. Unhappy Chocolate has been visiting the veterinary clinic for drips every day for a week. Needless to say, a test for dirofilariasis will never be superfluous either. I also want to add that a person can also get infected with dirophylariasis, but not from a dog. The only carriers of this disease are mosquitoes. It doesn't sound very nice, does it? If we do not encounter a flare bite too often, then mosquito bites are common.
Well, that's all I wanted to say. Take care of your pets and, of course, yourself. And I went to get ready to go to the veterinary clinic for Chocolate, which has the last drip today.
Pics made with the help of Disigner
Where do they contact with ticks? In forest?
The problem is I don’t know! We haven’t been in forest!
Was it definitely Babesia found or haemolytic anaemia? This can have many causes, including eating onions
They say definitely Babesia( But we have anonymously warm winter this year (
It must have been hiding warmly in a crack in the house, then. Here were don't have snow so the ticks are less active in winter but they survive well enough
The weather is also changing so you have to take care of it due to which she is getting sick again and again so you have to ask the doctor that why she is getting sick because it is very good to stay healthy.