Emotional pups

in Hive Pets3 days ago


I'm looking at my dogs, which are cosy on the bed. They seem to be sleeping. They are so touching that I immediately reached for the phone to take a few shots. But they know perfectly well what I'm going to do. Everyone woke up instantly and started! Someone yawns, someone stretches, someone looks at close range at the camera. And everyone is concerned about whether they turned out well enough in the picture.

Here are five photos that were taken in less than half a minute. You definitely won't be able to find two of the same ! 😁

It's already half of March, but I'm still sick. Dogs are constantly spinning in my room, and most of them climb on the bed and try to cling to me. Today it's not superfluous at all, because after a few warm days it got cold again, it even snowed at night. I've already turned off the heating in the house and that's why it's pretty cool. But with so many shaggy warmers, it doesn't bother me too much. A cup of hot tea and a warm dog nearby can solve all the problems 😉






Get well soon :( ... I'm glad you have so much help keeping warm!

I hope so. I'm tired of this virus myself ((

So sweet furrbabies they are! ❤️❤️❤️

Son un grupo de niños consentidos .. igual a mi Zeus ...jajaja se hace el dormido para que no lo baje de la cama... bueno es su cama, yo soy la intrusa... espero que te mejores de ese virus...