Everyone needs hugs

in Hive Pets5 days ago


Looking at my dogs, I can't help but be touched (of course, except for the days when they literally drive me crazy with their disobedience 😁). The relationship between them is exceptionally tender. For example, in the photo from above Chocolate and Donut. First, a Donut appeared in our house (the one that is smaller). Then I saw an announcement that Chocolate is looking for a family. I thought she would be a great friend for Donut. That's what happened. The girls immediately became friends and are still friends.

Big and kind dog Stepan also enjoys everyone's love. Stepan came to us as an adult. He was shot and his paw was seriously damaged. But even such cruel treatment did not make him angry. He remains good-natured and affectionate. Smaller and smaller dogs adore him, seeing him as a protector and... a heating dog 😉


Don't see seal.


Awww they are all so precious, those cutie is so adorable, and I am so glad that they have a lovely home where they are loved ✨✨💕