From the life of one chicken

in Hive Pets2 months ago


Chickens are amazing creatures. I'm not at all surprised when people take them as pets, and pet supplies are full of funny hats, popons, sleks and other accessories designed specifically for chickens. I'll tell you a secret, I myself do not remain indifferent to all this cute tinsel.

When I hear the expression "stupid chicken", I think it could only have been invented by those who have never dealt with these birds. I can confidently say that chickens are smart, funny, resourceful and social.

There is one of my chickens in the photo. Her name is Ginger. She is very gentle and affectionate. And she is also very independent. She believes that living in the chicken coop greatly limits her creative nature. He's not going to sit with everyone even at night. She prefers the old tree in front of my window. Like a real kite, she settles down on a twirch and watches the nightlife.




The chicken has a beautiful color of fur. Thank you for sharing that to us.

Chickens are such cool birds. If I could have them I'd have a big flock. Ginger is living her best life.

She looks loving and you're right I don't know why they call her stupid. human beings issues.
Greetings @torem-di-torem

I agree with you, chickens are amazing creatures. Thank you for entertaining us with such amazing pictures.