There are women who should be forbidden by law from leaving the house! I definitely belong to their number, because as soon as I leave the yard, I will definitely return with another tailed or feathered creature, and also with a sick one.
Here's a poor guy got me today. The nose is completely stuffed, the eyes are watery. Unfortunately, the veterinary clinic is already closed, so we will go there tomorrow. But I'm afraid that the kitten has a retrovirus plus chlamydia. Well... not to leave him in the rain, which has been pouring for several days without ceasing.
I took him to a warm stove, but away from other cats. Cat infections are not transmitted to dogs and vice versa, but they can infect each other. Despite the fact that all my cats are vaccinated, it must be understood that no vaccination guarantees that the animal will not get sick. Vaccination only facilitates the course of the disease and reduces the chances of death. By the way, this also applies to people.
So today I am very short. Went to feed the poor guy. Good evening for everyone. 😘
He is now in the right hands, If he can be saved you will save him 💌💌
We also rescued one kitten, she's doing well now. We were doing a latenight walk and a black kitten came crying and I thought of not getting another one bc we already have a lot of cats hahahah but my sister took her and named her Gigi, from Kiki's Delivery Service anime movie. 😅
Nice gesture you have done for this beautiful kitten.
You're doing a good labor. Me too I'm of that group of women, and so my daughters. We actually adopted a new kitten who was on the streets while it was pouring. Now he has a home and love.
Good for you!
At the moment I thought he might have distemper, he looks pretty sick, poor thing. I hope he can be treated soon. It's good that you found him, thanks to you he won't be without food and in the rain anymore. A wonderful action. For now it is better to keep him isolated, best regards.
Poor dear kitty, now she is comfortable in your good hands. The warmth of the warm stove and the cosy blanket is also good for the kitten.