R.I.P. Tsylya

in Hive Pets9 months ago


She's been with me for so little, only four years. Before that, 7 years of her life were spent in vagrancy and shelters. She was surprisingly kind and wise. Cancer took her away from me and killed her in three weeks. Run on the rainbow, my little girl. I will always remember and love you.


How sorry I am, dear friend @torem-di-torem, the loss of our pet is always very painful.

It sucks losing our pets!! So sorry <3 beautiful doggy! Hope our girls are up there having the time of their lives <3 <3 <3

I'm so sorry for your loss!

So sorry for your loss. For many of us, pets are like family, and even if it's expected somehow that we'll outlive them, losing them is always so painful.
She was a beautiful dog.

