Where is my place in this house? 😁

in Hive Pets10 months ago


Getting a dog ... or a lot of dogs, be ready for the fact that your living space will begin to shrink rapidly. At first, they are modest and pretend that a small rug on the floor is exactly what they have dreamed of all their lives. But very soon you'll find that you've lost your armchair... and then the bed... One evening you will find that you have nowhere to sleep, because there is no room on your crib even for a hamster and you will be really lucky if there is a place for you on the mat near the front door 😁



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If only all the dogs of the world could be as happy as those that happened to be adopted by you :)

@tipu curate 3

Thank you ❤️


Це було б дуже смішно, якби не було так сумно 🤣🤣🤣

Сумно те, що люди не стежать за своїми тваринками, які безконтрольно розмножуються й створюють проблеми волонтерам. А так норм, я не уявляю будинку без собак

Я за інше, за те, що "наглісь" собаксів часто переходить будь-які межі.

Вони не такі нахабні, як здаються) Насправді, той момент, коли вони розуміють, що у них нарешті є свій дім - безціннен. У них навіть погляд змінюється

Undoubtedly when we have pets at home they are our spaces and our heart; only those who have them understand what you say, very funny pictures, greetings!

You just made an impact in the life of these dogs and they can never be more than grateful . At least you wouldn't be bored or sad you'll always have them as they have you 👍