Whose pig will it be? 🐷 (video)

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Hello my dear friends!

Dogs behave like little children in many ways, with the difference that they never grow up. Therefore, all dogs, regardless of age, love toys.


Unfortunately, I don't have too many opportunities to buy toys for them. There are more priority purchases, such as food, medicine, veterinary services. Therefore, toys mainly come to us as charity.


We recently received a gift from Norway. There was dog food and some dog toys. Today I decided to please my pets.


Most of all they were interested in a toy pig. A pig can grunt and this circumstance evoked a reaction in my dogs from a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

In the end the pig went to Biscuit Seal, who quickly hid it in her house.


But very quickly the pig was stolen by Michelle. 😁


Other events


Jay Galya began an independent life. She has already molted and matured. Nevertheless, she is in no hurry to fly away from the yard. What for? There is always something to eat here.


Jay Valya is a little weaker and I am in no hurry to let her fly away. Now that her friend has flown away, she lives with two turtledoves.

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I think it is the same with cats, they love toys.

They are sweet. Dog´s love toys :) Best regards