A lo mas hermoso de la casa como yo le digo le encanta dormir pero no en cualquier sitio, su lugar favorito para hacerlo es encima de mi novia o en su espalda cuando ella se voltea, siempre quiere ocupar toda la cama y adueñarse de las almohadas, tambien le gusta lamerse sus patitas 😅 él es muy alegre.
The most beautiful thing in the house as I call him loves to sleep but not just anywhere, his favorite place to do it is on top of my girlfriend or on her back when she turns over, he always wants to occupy the whole bed and take over the pillows, he also likes to lick his paws 😅 he is very cheerful.
Pusheen es un ser maravilloso, a mi novia le encanta vestirlo y aunque a veces se queja a ella tambien le gusta dormir con él y yo agradezco que lo tenga cerca, agradezco mucho que pueda contar con su compañia, cuando hace sus travesuras y lo descubren pone carita de inocente y es muy gracioso cuando lo hace. Ella dice que el esta en su epata de "adolescente", su etapa de rebeldia😂
Pusheen is a wonderful being, my girlfriend loves to dress him and although sometimes she complains she also likes to sleep with him and I am grateful to have him around, I am very thankful that I can count on his company, when he does his mischief and gets caught he makes an innocent face and is very funny when he does it. She says he is in his "adolescent", his rebellious stage😂.

Pusheen siempre quiere jugar, le gusta que lo saquen a pasear y cuando no lo hacen se queda parado en la puerta ladrando hasta que lo hagan, creo que ya se le hizo costumbre salir en un momento especifico del dia y si no lo hace insiste hasta que lo sacan, le gusta la hora del baño creo que es de los pocos perros que conozco que les gusta, a diferencia de mi Max que huia e iba a esconderse cada vez que le tocaba la hora de bañarse. Se emociona cuando le dicen "VAMOS", cuando mi novia se acuesta y le señala algun sitio en la cama va sin dudarlo 😂
Pusheen always wants to play, he likes to be taken for a walk and when they don't, he stands at the door barking until they do, I think he is used to go out at a specific time of the day and if they don't, he insists until they take him out, he likes bath time, I think he is one of the few dogs I know who likes it, unlike my Max who ran away and went to hide every time it was time to bathe. He gets excited when they tell him "LET'S GO", when my girlfriend goes to bed and points to a place on the bed he goes without hesitation 😂
Pusheen aun tiene muchas aventuras por vivir, lugares y personas por conocer y yo tendre mas historias por contar. Aqui les dejo un poco de la vida de este ser tan amado, un ser lleno de tanta ternura e inocencia, quien es muy alegre y ocurrente.
Pusheen still has many adventures to live, places and people to meet and I will have more stories to tell. Here I leave you a little bit of the life of this beloved being, a being full of so much tenderness and innocence, who is very cheerful and witty.

Considero que todas las mascotas deben ser amadas, cuidadas y consentidas, solo saben traer alegria a la vida de quienes los tienen, yo perdi a mi Max hace un tiempo y lo extraño muchisimo asi que cuiden a sus mascotas y espero que puedan vivir muchos años junto a ellas, viendolas crecer.
I believe that all pets should be loved, cared for and pampered, they only know how to bring joy to the lives of those who have them, I lost my Max a while ago and I miss him very much so take care of your pets and I hope you can live many years with them, watching them grow.

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