The day I adopted Luna, my happiness began.
They say that we can get to love a pet as much as we love people, but I really believe that even more. The connection I have with Luna has always been very big, it is as if something had called me to her when I was not even ready to have a dog, much less in another country, and without thinking much about it, I went to meet her in an adoption home and that's when it all started. I have been sharing with her for more than 6 years now and if I could modify science and time, I would give anything for many more years of life by her side, but I understand that they are angels that come to earth to make us happy and as the saying goes "of the good, little". That day I rescued her, she was very nervous and the funny thing about it all, was that she didn't know I was coming for her and when they called her to go with me, she came up to me and then one more puppy came up to me and she growled at him like "they came for me, leave her" 🤣 Really? Life is very interesting. Because Luna's story begins in a home where she was mistreated and then rescued by a foster home and after 8 months I came along for her to continue by my side and so far, I have given her the best quality of life a dog can have. Those who know her and know me, know that it is true, since Luna goes everywhere and enjoys the beach, supermarkets, she has traveled from Chile to the Caribbean and at all times, she has never lacked love. She is very loved by the people she meets and sincerely, I could not have a better companion by my side, since Luna has been excellent and always impresses me with her intelligence. Every time I get to know her more and more, I just want to stop time to enjoy her slowly. Those of you who have pets will understand me 100%, I know hehehe.
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El día que adopte a Luna, empezó mi felicidad
Dicen que podemos llegar a querer tanto a una mascota como lo logramos con las personas, pero realmente creo que hasta más. La conexión que tengo con Luna, siempre ha sido muy grande, es como si algo me hubiese llamado hacia ella cuando aún ni siquiera estaba preparada para tener un perro y mucho menos en otro país y sin pensarlo mucho, fui a conocerla en una casa de adopción y ahí empezó todo. Ya son más de 6 años compartiendo con ella y si pudiese modificar la ciencia y el tiempo, daría lo que fuese por muchos años más de vida a su lado, pero entiendo que son ángeles que vienen a la tierra para hacernos felices y como dice el dicho “de lo bueno, poco”. Ese día que la rescaté, estaba muy nerviosa y lo cómico de todo esto, fue que no sabía que venía por ella y cuando la llamaron para que se fuese conmigo, se me acercó y luego se me acercó otro cachorro más y ella le gruñó como “vinieron por mí, déjala” 🤣. ¿En realidad? La vida es muy interesante. Porque la historia de Luna comienza en un hogar donde fue maltratada y luego rescatada por una casa de adopción y luego de 8 meses llegué yo a que continuara a mi lado y hasta ahora, le he dado la mejor calidad de vida que un perro pueda tener. Quienes la conocen y me conocen, saben que es cierto, ya que Luna va a todas partes y disfruta muchísimo la playa, los supermercados, ha viajado desde Chile hasta el Caribe y en todo momento, nunca le ha faltado amor. es muy querida por las personas que conoce y sinceramente, no podría tener a mi lado a una mejor compañía, ya que Luna ha sido excelente y siempre me impresiona con su inteligencia. Cada vez que la conozco más y más, solo quisiera detener el tiempo para disfrutarla lento. Quienes tienen mascotas me entenderán al 100%, lo sé je je.
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What an absolute cutie 💓 I wish you many years together
Respect, girl! 🤘She is beautiful ☺️ It always makes me happy to see a dog get adopted. Then, you see people spending thousands of dollars to buy a dog, while there are so many sad dogs in shelters. I'm not saying it's wrong to buy a dog, but the happiness you see in a rescued dog's eyes... I still remember when my husband told me about finding our dog. She was in a small, dirty place outside, surrounded by a fence, smelling bad. When we took her to the vet, they said she had internal parasites, and her body was full of fleas. It was really sad, but I was so grateful for her... this fluffy baby. I will always adopt dogs, I just need a big house 😂
They look so cute 💕
Es increíble como podemos querer tanto a nuestras mascotas. Se convierten nuestra compañía y apoyo en cada momento. Luna ws hermosa.
Saludos amiga 😊