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RE: After an absence

in Hive Pets3 years ago

Maybe you'd need to have the same relationship with a pet to understand.

Yes. 100%.

We're a strange species, homo sapiens. We invite these small, semi-feral creatures who have a lifespan a fraction of our own into our lives and devote our mental health to their continued survival and happiness. And we do it willingly, and repeatedly.

I've always been a dog person, and my children have always been more cat people than me. I used to say that I love them anyway. We (I) have a dog, though our lifestyle lends itself easier to cats. The dog is mine and one of the cats has chosen me over the others.

When I travel the dog plops by the front door and moves only to eat, go outside, or sleep in the bedroom at night. She absolutely loses her shit when I finally get home. We call it "OMFGing".

The dog and the cat will both be waiting for me at the front door. The dog begins to wail in excitement when she hears me outside and summons the cat. It's a nice greeting and welcome home.


Isn't it good when the act so happy to see us return? I think dogs usually show it more than cats but cats have their own ways as well. I love that part.

I wonder what they feel like, your dog for example, what it is they feel put into human terms, when their owner comes home. It must be a good feeling.