Update on Kimi's surgery and treatment🐶 / Actualización de la cirugía y tratamiento de Kimi💖[ENG/ESP]

in Hive Pets9 months ago (edited)

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Kimi underwent emergency surgery to save his life. They had to remove his spleen because it twisted, which is a delicate condition. The major problem was that even after this, his liver and pancreas were still not functioning well, so he had to continue for several days on fluids only, without being able to eat or drink anything.


He is already 7 years old, and being a large dog, he is considered to be entering his senior years. It's hard for me to say because, to me, he is my little baby. In his mind, he is a puppy; he never matured and behaves as if he were just a few months old. It has been very difficult for me to see him like this because he is a very energetic dog, and this has not been easy. He has lost a lot of weight, and it shows even in his face.


The only good thing about all this is that I truly believe the hardest part is over, and now he just needs to recover to get better. He has started to eat a little, although it's a special medicated food for his liver, and he has to take several other prescribed medications. But his face is looking better, and he is happy again, even wanting his ball🥰


This has been a hard blow, both emotionally and financially. I hope everything gets better and that we can both recover from all this and move forward, both him and me😓. In a few days, I will make another post updating the situation...

Thank you all very much for reading and especially for your support❤️!



Kimi fue operado de emergencia para salvar su vida. Le tuvieron que extraer el bazo porque le hizo una torsión y es algo delicado. El mayor problema es que después de esto, igual su hígado y páncreas no estaban funcionando bien, por lo que tuvo que seguir varios días con sólo fluidos sin poder comer ni tomar nada.

Él ya tiene 7 años y al ser un perro de gran tamaño, se considera que está entrando a ser un anciano. Me cuesta mucho decirlo porque para mí es mi bebé chiquito. Y en su cabeza es un cachorro, nunca maduró y se comporta como si tuviera meses de edad. Me ha costado mucho verlo así porque es un perro con mucha energía y esto no ha sido facil. Ha perdido mucho peso y se le nota hasta en la cara.


Lo único bueno de todo esto es que de verdad creo que la parte más difícil ya pasó y ahora solo tiene que recuperarse para volver a estar bien. Ya empezó a comer un poco, aunque es un alimento especial medicado para su hígado y tiene que tomar varios medicamentos aparte que le recetaron, pero ya vuelve a tener mejor su carita y a estar feliz, incluso quiere su pelota🥰

Esto ha sido un golpe duro, emocional y económico también. Espero que todo vaya a mejor y que nos podamos recuperar de todo esto y salir adelante, tanto él como yo😓. En unos días haré otro post actualizando la situación...

Muchas gracias a todos por leer y sobre todo por el apoyo ❤️!


Yiyi & Kimi


Oh, que penoso que el Kimi y tu estén pasando por esta situación.
Pero que bueno que está empezando a mejorar, esa una gran noticia y que vuelve su buen ánimo.
Deseo su total recuperación.

Eso espero. Muchas gracias por tus palabras💕

What you say is true. Sometimes you don't realize how much time has passed for pets and how big they are, because you still see them as small or as puppies as you say.

Thanks to God and your care he is already improving, I hope you can enjoy his company much more 🙏



I sent 1.0 HUG
(1/1)Dear @yiyi.maiola, you just got hugged. on behalf of @animalove.