How to Understand a Cat By Its Tail

in Hive Pets2 years ago


everyone knows Cats are the most illogical and unpredictable pets you know what's in that little bunny's head but cats have their own language and if you learn it there's a chance you'll understand them better I've collected some possible cat behaviors to help you out understand your cat.

Tail Up
tail up and curved means your cat is happy with his life congrats you have become friends with your cat by the way How do you know the secret to satisfying cats let us know in the comments column Yes so that others also know your tricks

Twitch a Tail
a lot of twitching means your cat is happy or worried about something Also the vet also said when a cat's tail is twitching or it keeps wagging its tail on the floor it means your kitten is in pain or stressed maybe it's time to take them to the doctor first

Expands the Tail


The cat's tail expands means your kitten is very excited or feeling threatened the purpose of expanding the tail is to create the illusion that the Cat is bigger that way your cat shows its enemies that it is very big and scary to deal with

Tail Shakes


a cat's tail slightly shakes when she is agitated and happy to see you it also means the cat is uh enthusiastic or waiting for something like a treat

Tail Standing Straight Up


If you see a cat standing straight up and find its back becomes the shape of the letter N you should watch this carefully this is a sign of Extreme attack and this happens during self defense if nothing dangerous is happening try Calm your cat by petting it

Tail tilted at a low Angle

a tail that is straight but tilted at a low angle is a sign of slight aggression or fear Also when a cat doesn't know if it is friend or foe around it it keeps its tail at a 45° angle

Tail is down


cats lower their tails to the floor when scared or feeling guilty often cats stick their tails between their legs when they are afraid of that or of a person it is also a sign of insecurity and obedience try crystal your house cats may misbehave and lower their tails knowing you will punish them

Tail Wagging


from side to side if your cat is wagging its tail sharply from side to side it means it is angry you should leave your anabule but it could also mean your cat wants to play with you Why do cats wag their tails when sitting next to their owner and feel very satisfied Yes it's easy for cats to check what there is an enemy behind him.



she's very cute)