Nuestro propio sol, con todo y manchas. / Our very own sun, with all its spots.

in Hive Pets8 days ago

Hola, gente linda de esta comunidad.

Hace algunos días, cuando compartía con ustedes un post sobre el ave Benteveo, les confesaba que era yo una persona de mascotas y prometí volver para contarles un poco sobre Nala, la dálmata mas dulce y buena que he conocido.

Nala llegó a nuestras vidas una tarde gris, con una llovizna fina, envuelta en una toalla, dentro de un jabuco.

Mi esposo la mostró lentamente, sabiendo que al verla enloqueceríamos y así fue. Pasó de mano en mano y nadie quería soltarla. Era esponjosa, linda, alegre, traviesa, mimosa, era perfecta.

"Que duerma esta noche con nosotros, solo esta vez 🙏", supliqué con la carita así 🥺 y dio resultado. Esa noche durmió entre nosotros, pero no contábamos con que, desde ese instante, decidiría que no dormiría en ninguna otra parte, solo allí.

Descubrimos cuánto le gustaba que la abrazaran para descansar. Y quedamos desarmados ante las poses de arrepentimiento que asumía cuando la regañábamos por algo mal hecho.

Dos veces estuvo enferma y la familia entera se puso alerta, cuidándola, velando por ella, como quien cuida un tesoro. Sólo los que aman a sus mascotas como a un miembro más del hogar, pueden comprender lo angustiante que son esas horas.

Mi Nala nunca durmió en el patio, sino dentro de la casa, de hecho, en una cama, con colcha calentica y una almohada. Nunca fue amarrada, no se le pegaba, no se le gritaba.

No tuvo garrapatas, pulgas ni parásitos porque su vacunación y tratamientos eran inviolables.

Se le hablaba con amor, con mimos, se le cumplían caprichos, se le besaba y acariciaba todo el tiempo. "Buena vida " debería ser su nombre. No era la mascota de la casa: era familia.

Más bonita que la noche es mi Nala. Más amada que la luna. Más arropada que un niño pequeño. Nuestro propio sol...con todo y manchas.

Entonces tuvimos que partir. Arrancar nuestras raíces, dejar el alma y avanzar con los cascarones vacíos de nuestros cuerpos, hacia tierras menos hostiles.

Nala quedó al cuidado de mi hermana mayor, que la ama tanto como yo. Sigue siendo consentida, arropada. Aún duerme entre sabanas y almohadas.

Hay días en que, cuando la nostalgia me muerde el corazón, pienso que quizás no nos extraña tanto como nosotros a ella. Pero sé que es solo un intento desesperado de sentir menos dolor.

Lo cierto es que no vamos a renunciar. Su ausencia cada día lastima más. No se quita, no se alivia, no se olvida. Nuestra meta actual es recuperarla, traerla con nosotros.

Ella no sospecha que movemos cielo y tierra para poder abrazarla. Vigila asomada al balcón, como niña enamorada que no sabe por qué otea el horizonte.

Sé que nos piensa, mientras lanzamos aullidos al viento, con la esperanza de que la alcance y le susurre: espera, solo espera.

Este post ha Sido redactado libre de IA y todas las fotos incluidas son de mi propiedad.


Hello, lovely people of this community. A few days ago, when I shared a post about the Benteveo bird, I confessed that I was a pet person and promised to come back to tell you a little about Nala, the sweetest and kindest Dalmatian I have ever known.

Nala came into our lives one gray afternoon, with a light drizzle, wrapped in a towel, inside a bag. My husband slowly showed her to me, knowing that we would go crazy upon seeing her, and that’s exactly what happened. She passed from hand to hand, and no one wanted to let her go. She was fluffy, cute, cheerful, mischievous, affectionate; she was perfect.

"Let her sleep with us tonight, just this once 🙏," I pleaded with a face like this 🥺, and it worked. That night she slept between us, but we didn’t count on the fact that from that moment on, she would decide that she wouldn’t sleep anywhere else but there.

We discovered how much she loved being hugged to rest. And we were disarmed by the remorseful poses she took on when we scolded her for something wrong.

Twice she was sick, and the whole family became alert, caring for her, watching over her as one would guard a treasure. Only those who love their pets as another family member can understand how distressing those hours are.

My Nala never slept in the yard; she slept inside the house, in fact, in a bed with a warm blanket and a pillow. She was never tied up; she wasn’t hit or yelled at. She had no ticks, fleas, or parasites because her vaccinations and treatments were inviolable.

She was spoken to with love and affection; her whims were fulfilled; she was kissed and petted all the time. "Good life" should have been her name. She wasn’t just a pet; she was family.

More beautiful than the night is my Nala. More loved than the moon. More snuggled than a small child. Our very own sun...with all her spots.

Then we had to leave. Tear our roots away, leave our souls behind and move forward with the empty shells of our bodies toward less hostile lands.

Nala remained in the care of my older sister, who loves her as much as I do. She is still pampered and snuggled. She still sleeps between sheets and pillows.

There are days when nostalgia pierces my heart; I think that maybe she doesn’t miss us as much as we miss her. But I know it’s just a desperate attempt to feel less pain.

The truth is we will not give up. Her absence hurts more each day. It doesn’t go away; it doesn’t ease; it isn’t forgotten. Our current goal is to get her back; to bring her with us.

She has no idea that we are moving heaven and earth to be able to hug her again. She watches from the balcony like a lovestruck girl who doesn’t know why she gazes at the horizon.

I know she thinks of us while we howl into the wind, hoping it reaches her and whispers: wait, just wait.

This post has been written free of AI and all included photos are my property.


Hermosa mascota, familia. Me encantan los dálmatas.

muchas gracias 🥰

Nala los merece y ustedes a ella. Almas hermosas que de seguro se reunirán. Pido porque así sea.

Las mascotas pronto dejan de serlo para volverse parte de la familia, es maravilloso ver tanto amor.

Gracias, amigo mío

de verdad son un sol en nuestras vidas

muy hermoso y tierno

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