[ENG/DEU] Bro Bang Event 26 & Season 2 is over. Here are the rankings.

in CryptoCompany CEO9 days ago
Authored by @PowerPaul



Nicht nur Bro Bang Event 26 ist vorüber, sondern damit auch Saison 2. Hier sind die entsprechenden Platzierungen und ein paar Worte dazu.

Bevor ich wie üblich über die Ergebnisse spreche, möchte ich an erster Stelle meinen Dank aussprechen, bevor es weiter unten im Artikel irgendwie untergeht.

Mein Dankeswort ist an alle Spieler und alle Unterstützer gerichtet. An alle, welche die Postings von Bro Bang gevotet oder geteilt haben, Werbung für das Spiel und somit CryptoCompany gemacht haben. An alle Spieler, welche den ein oder anderen Bug gemeldet haben und somit Bro Bang soweit lauffähig gemacht haben, wie es heute ist.

LGN-Gewinne.Nicht unerwähnt möchte ich lassen - und empfehlen - den Preissponsor der LGN-Events und der LGN-Saison, den @brofund und seinem Teilbereich @wearelegion. Mein besonderer Dank, und ganz gewiss auch der Dank aller Spieler, geht in diese Richtung, für das Sponsoring der

Vielen Dank an alle! Ohne Euch hätte das hier alles keinen Sinn.



Not only is Bro Bang Event 26 over, but so is Season 2. Here are the rankings and a few words about them.

Before I talk about the results, as usual, I would like to express my thanks first before it somehow gets lost further down in the article.

My thanks go to all the players and all the supporters. To everyone who has voted or shared Bro Bang's posts and promoted the game and thus CryptoCompany. To all players who have reported one or the other bug and thus made Bro Bang as executable as it is today.

LGN prizes.I would like to mention - and recommend - the prize sponsor of the LGN events and the LGN season, @brofund and its subdivision @wearelegion. My special thanks, and very likely the thanks of all players, go to them for sponsoring the

Many thanks to all of you! Without you, none of this would make sense.

Thank you!

Und nun zu den Ergebnissen des 26. Events und auch der Saison Nummer 2.

@teooo hat es erneut auf Rang 1 geschafft und ist somit in der CCD-Saison um Haaresbreite an @lorddiablo vorbeigezogen.

@yourfairy hatte ja nicht am vorletzten Event teilgenommen und konnte den somit entstandenen Rückstand zu @libertycrypto27 in diesem Event nicht wieder gutmachen; weder in der CCD Saison, noch in der LGN-Saison.

Jedoch hat @melbourneswest seine Chance nochmal genutzt, wieder mitgespielt und sich somit in der CCD-Saison um einen Rang verbessert (nun Rang 17) und hat damit @tikatarot auf Rang 18 verwiesen.

In der LGN-Saison wären einige Rangveränderungen in der unteren Tabellenhälfte noch im letzten Event möglich gewesen, da dort das Teilnehmerfeld oftmals sehr eng beieinander lag; diese Chance hat aber niemand genutzt.

Gut zu wissen:

Die vorangegangene CCD-Saison und LGN-Saison sind zwar hiermit beendet, aber es wird natürlich mit Bro Bang weitergehen. Bevor ich jedoch die nächste Saison ausrolle, möchte ich auf die Rückmeldungen der bisherigen Spieler eingehen ein paar Verbesserungen und Veränderungen am Spiel vornehmen. Dies wird den Spielverlauf an sich betreffen, aber auch die Vielfalt und Abwechslung im Spiel. Hinzu kommen Vereinfachungen für mich, im Bereich Management des Spiels.

Wann die neue Saison eröffnet wird, kann ich noch nicht exakt sagen, da dies davon abhängt, wie schnell ich die Änderungen und Verbesserungen umsetzen kann.

Für die Zwischenzeit habe ich mir jedoch schon etwas überlegt: wir werden, beginnend voraussichtlich innerhalb dieser Woche, mit täglichen Events und Gewinnmöglichkeiten anfangen. Alle Details dazu dann aber im entsprechenden Posting, welchen ich hier auf @brobang veröffentlichen werden - und wie immer auch mit @cryptocompany, @ccnewsflash und @powerpaul reblogen werde.

And now for the results of the 26th event and also season number 2.

@teooo has once again made it to first place and has thus pulled ahead of @lorddiablo by a hair's breadth in the CCD season.

@yourfairy did not take part in the penultimate event and was therefore unable to make up the deficit to @libertycrypto27 in this event; neither in the CCD season nor in the LGN season.

However, @melbourneswest took his chance again, played again and thus improved by one rank in the CCD season (now rank 17) and thus relegated @tikatarot to rank 18.

In the LGN season, some rank changes in the lower half of the table would have been possible in the last event, as the field of participants was often very close together there; however, nobody took advantage of this opportunity.

Good to know:

The previous CCD season and LGN season are now over, but of course Bro Bang will continue. Before I roll out the next season, however, I would like to make a few improvements and changes to the game in response to feedback from previous players. This will affect the gameplay itself, but also the variety and diversity of the game. I will also be simplifying the management of the game.

I can't say exactly when the new season will start, as this depends on how quickly I can implement the changes and improvements.

In the meantime, however, I have already thought about something: we will start with daily events and winning opportunities, probably within this week. All the details will be in the corresponding post, which I will publish here on @brobang - and as always I will also reblog with @cryptocompany, @ccnewsflash and @powerpaul.



Die aktuellen Platzierungen:

The Actual Rankings:

Bro Bang CCD EVENT 26 in Season 2

Beendet am 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC
Closed at 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

RankUserPoints in EventSeason PointsTimeTimestampCCD Won
1@teooo117461000:21:092025-01-20 16:50:075090.440
2@lorddiablo112529.500:20:282025-01-25 10:22:184085.880
3@yourfairy7375900:21:512025-01-26 20:20:253081.415
4@dewabrata5818.500:03:562025-01-26 21:37:112076.855
5@thedoc07417800:04:172025-01-23 17:07:071072.390
6@libertycrypto272577.500:02:462025-01-26 23:56:17567.830
7@melbourneswest100700:02:422025-01-23 12:00:34463.365
8@oadissin676.500:01:242025-01-21 09:51:02358.805
9@mad-runner14600:00:222025-01-26 20:32:52254.245
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die Belohnungen sind bereits von @ccceo.rewards überwiesen worden.

Congratulations! The rewards have already been transferred from @ccceo.rewards.

Bro Bang LGN EVENT 26 in Season 2

Beendet am 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC
Closed at 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

RankUserPoints in EventSeason PointsTimeTimestampLGN Won
1@teooo119721000:21:272025-01-23 11:11:126.280
2@lorddiablo109759.500:20:572025-01-22 11:52:515.029
3@yourfairy7662900:23:402025-01-26 20:44:563.777
4@thedoc0773328.500:18:312025-01-23 17:02:242.526
5@libertycrypto271572800:07:242025-01-26 23:52:391.274
6@dewabrata5117.500:03:252025-01-26 21:42:110.648
7@oadissin177700:05:062025-01-21 09:56:280.521
Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Die Belohnungen sind bereits von @ccceo.rewards überwiesen worden.

Congratulations! The rewards have already been transferred from @ccceo.rewards.

50% der Spielgebühren wurden verbrannt. Somit 950 CCD und 0,32 LGN, nachvollziehbar über die 2 folgenden Links.
50% of the match fees were burned. Thus 950CCD and 0.32 LGN, traceable via the 2 following links.

CCD SEASON | 4.8.2024 00:00:00 - 26.1.2025 23:59:59 UTC

(+/- last week)
UserSeason PointsRank wins at least CCD
1 (+1)@teooo24525499.8
2 (-1)@lorddiablo244.520474.6
17 (+1)@melbourneswest19699.75
18 (-1)@tikatarot12.5575.075
21@crazyphantombr6.5no reward below rank 20
22@bitcoinflood5no reward below rank 20
23@suteru4.5no reward below rank 20
24@tengolotodo4.5no reward below rank 20
25@thebighigg3.5no reward below rank 20
26@raymondspeaks3.5no reward below rank 20
Ich habe entdeckt, dass die Saison-Belohnungen zu niedrig angezeigt werden, weil ich das Wallet von @brobang.season bisher nicht in die Berechnung einbezogen habe. Am morgigen Tag werde ich den Script dafür korrigieren und die tatsächlichen Beträge überweisen. Sobald dies geschehen ist, werde ich die jeweiligen Empfänger hier nochmals in einem Kommentar erwähnen.
I have discovered that the season rewards are displayed too low because I have not yet included the wallet of @brobang.season in the calculation. Tomorrow I will correct the script for this and transfer the actual amounts. As soon as this is done, I will mention the respective recipients here again in a comment.

LGN SEASON | 4.8.2024 00:00:00 - 26.1.2025 23:59:59UTC

(+/- last week)
UserSeason PointsRank wins at least LGN
21@olujay5.5no reward below rank 20
22@kheldar19825no reward below rank 20
23@bitcoinflood5no reward below rank 20
Ich habe entdeckt, dass die Saison-Belohnungen zu niedrig angezeigt werden, weil ich das Wallet von @brobang.season bisher nicht in die Berechnung einbezogen habe. Am morgigen Tag werde ich den Script dafür korrigieren, die notwendigen LGN beim Sponsor @brofund organisieren und folglich die tatsächlichen Beträge überweisen. Sobald dies geschehen ist, werde ich die jeweiligen Empfänger hier nochmals in einem Kommentar erwähnen.

Nun bleibt mir noch zu sagen... Genieße deinen Tag, folge @cryptocompany und dem @brofund & sei gesegnet!

Wir sehen uns später in den Kommentaren & den Platzierungen!

Mache das Beste aus deinem Tag!

Wie immer: Irgendwelche Fragen?

I have discovered that the season rewards are displayed too low because I have not yet included the wallet of @brobang.season in the calculation. Tomorrow I will correct the script for this, organize the necessary LGN with the sponsor @brofund and consequently transfer the actual amounts. As soon as this is done, I will mention the respective recipients here again in a comment.

Now it only remains for me to say... Enjoy your day, follow @cryptocompany and the @brofund & be blessed!

See you later in the comments & the rankings!

Make the best of the your day!

Like always: Any questions?


Oh! Du hast wirklich bis hierher gescrollt? Wow! Wie wäre es, einen Artikel über Bro Bang zu schreiben oder diesen hier zu rebloggen? Das unterstützt wirklich das Spiel, sowie deinen & meinen Geldbeutel! Dankeschön!

Oh! You really scrolled until here? Wow! How about to write an article about Bro Bang or reblog this one? This really supports the game & your and my wallet! Thank you!

CCD: https://he.dtools.dev/tx/232da865270482e70389fdb85e143b4c21eceb92 LGN: https://he.dtools.dev/tx/e3fade321ea7f8407bfbc38184485b8c81cc6648

Aw, I missed another one - gotta keep on it! Next round. !BBH !WINE

[@PowerPaul:] I take that as a feedback which tells me that I will post a small reminder within the next events in the future. Thank you for that!

(Don't be to sad about the missed event. Please take my vote - may it make you smile once again...)

Thank you for all your support!

Benjamin, Hive a great day! I look forward to go this path together with you!



What do you say to comfort a friend who's struggling with grammar?
There, their, they're.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@ironshield, I sent you an

Wow yes that did put a big smile on my face, thank you! !BBH !HUG !LUV


@brobang, I paid out 0.342 HIVE and 0.132 HBD to reward 6 comments in this discussion thread.

[@PowerPaul:] What a luck I don't missed that like last week...

Thank you for your great service once again!

I only played once!
I need to dedicate myself more and learn to properly integrate myself into this ecosystem! Who knows?

I know! You should! Why I know? Because it is purely rewarding! ;-)[@PowerPauL:]

Greetings, buddy! Hive a great day & let me know if you have any question! Here for you!



What happened when the cows escaped from the paddock?
Udder Chaos!

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@crazyphantombr, I sent you an

I'll try hard!

My question is about the use of tags.

If I can use CCD / CRYPTOCOMPANY in my posts, would I receive tokens in the same way as other tribes like SPT, INLEO, etc.?

[@PowerPaul:] Thank you for asking!

No & kind of. No HE tokens but celestial karma.

I monitor the usage of #cryptocompany and #ccd. When I have a little spare mana or the content is good, I give out a free vote or if a vote is ordered via the voting service I upgrade the vote when there is a relation or a positive advertising content to CryptoCompany.


Congrats to everyone playing with this amazing game! 😌

I would like to thank to @powerpaul making this game and brought this community together and I hope more people will come in the near future! 😉

I can not wait to see the changes! 😁

[@PowerPaul:] Lord, you are highly welcome!

  • How high are you?
  • Hi, how are you?

Jokes from videos (

) aside... Lord, thank you so much for your comment and your constant support! Sadly I didn't thought about a prize for the most constant/active player... (good idea for next season...) But if there would be any, you would have earned it! But in every case you earned my thanks from the bottom of my heart for all your engagement, bug reports, comments, votes, reblogs, support in general...

Thank you buddy!



Where do Pigs go on vacation?
Boara Boara.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@lorddiablo, I sent you an

Wow, I am on the list... That motivates to play more :)


[@PowerPaul:] We are happy together! ... Iris, thank you for participating here and on CryptoCompany in general! ...

Iris... Thank you ... and Hiva a great day! We can look forward to new upcoming chapters within Bro Bang! Glad to be here together with you!



How does a computer get drunk?
It takes screen shots.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@irisworld, I sent you an

Nice! Thanks so much for hosting these events!


you for participating! I am very thankful and glad to be here together with you![@PowerPaul:] Thank

Willendorfia, thank you!



No wonder everyone's attracted to the earths center
It is pretty hot

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany



@willendorfia, I sent you an

Thank you very much for the weekly and seasonal rewards but most of all thank you for creating Brobang because I had a lot of fun playing with it and trying to improve my ranking.
Congratulations to all brobang players!
!discovery 30
@tipu curate

you. Your support always was and is to many aspects to mention all of them... All the thanks belong to you![@PowerPaul:] All the thanks belong to

Thank you.



What did the grape say when it got stepped on?
Nothing. It just let out a little wine.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptocompany

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@libertycrypto27, I sent you an


$PIZZA slices delivered:
irisworld tipped brobang @willendorfia tipped @brobang

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Thank you so much for this recap on the season
I will join the next event
Thank you for all you have done to improve the game experience on the user side

[@PowerPaul:] Buddy, a joy to be with you!
