[@PowerPaul:] hahahaha!
This mechanism works like this: there is a "secret" ratio between time you play and hits you have to do. If you fall X % under this value, you get this warning "Ranking at risk" - but game in this state is still saved. Just play a little faster, climb over that value and all cool.
Actually these values are fixed in the code. I assume I will calculate and adapt these value dynamic on basis of the played games so far, later.
There is a second warning like "No Ranking" when your ratio gets less and less. When you are in this state, your game isn't valid for ranking.
From my own experience you can fight up, away from both warnings and into a good ratio. Because of the update there will be some "interruptions" during your game play which needs time for you to handle. If the machine should fall unter this value during that, don't mind it, just hit up again.
In a strategic way, you did the right. End it before it doesn't get ranked. Now you know more details for the next time. I will explain this in the rule book, as soon as this should exist.
OK, this makes sense. I would just say that it happened in the middle of a streak of something like 45 bros to 10 bangs and there wasn't much I could do other than lose. I bet I will develop a "feel" for when the ratio and luck are against me and just start over. Thanks for your reply!