[@PowerPaul]: Hey Oscar. Thank you! You understand something "wrong" - but doesn't matter, because it's Christmas... Normally you are only able to claim 10% of your wallet amount (and this amount with a discount of 10%). So - normally - you could only buy 0.2 SQM. But...
Dude, it's Christmas and who would I be, if I wouldn't be lovely at Christmas? I sended you my (only) personal SQM and a futher SQM from the CC account. So you can receive your wish of 2 SQM. ;-)
Oscar! Have nice holidays and chilled days!
For all those reading along: please don't do that now, too. Oscar, a supporter of the project, made a small reading error and I'm not an unfriendly asshole. But to exploit this now as well would be somehow "suboptimal". Thank you for your understanding, dear reader.